Monday, September 12, 2011

Help A Gunnie Out...

TXGunGeek has the particulars on helping out a particular gun manufacturer.

In case you have been living under a rock, a major chunk of Bastrop County in Texas burned to the ground. One of the houses that burned belonged to Virgil Tripp of Tripp research and STI fame. Their shop survived but the house is gone.

STI? Aren't they the company that makes all the cool guns featured in Monster Hunter International? (Rhetorical question...) Just passing it on in case someone was thinking of getting a high-end 1911 - or (JMB forfend) a double-stack 1911-based firearm. You could do a lot worse than STI, and in the opinion of a lot of folks, not much better. That it'll help them out in a tough time makes it even better.

Wonder if I can sneak a frame past the Mrs...

That is all.


Teke said...

Maybe the Mrs. but are STI's on uncle Mass's approved list?

Roger said...

Tripp Cobramags are the best I have ever used. I use their followers in all of my 1911 competition mags and their magazines in my carry pistol. The best quality and feeding mags I have ever used. Just receieved some more last week.

BGMiller said...

I just happen to have a few coppers rattling around in the piggy bank...
And a 1911 would pair up nice and purty with my new to me M1 Garand...
And I do have a soft spot for Texas...


Odysseus said...

The Mrs. might only maim you lightly if you just got the Spartan.