Donations can be made at or my Kilted to Kick Cancer Team Page.Today's pic, to start everything off:

Don't Tread On The Man In The Kilt
That's me in front of the famed Hilltop Restaurant, the site of the first dinner for Ambulance Driver some three years ago. The food was unfortunately sub-par, but the conversation and camaraderie was second to none. The next day we met for some shooting, and my attempts to hit the steel plates at 25 yards earned me the "minute of berm" moniker that haunts me to this day...
A few things about my first time in a kilt. First off, I don't know how you ladies do it, I really don't. Getting into my truck was a monumental pain in the behind - it's hard to hop that far up without showing off *way* more than you ever wanted to... There are no pockets in the kilt (and yes, I know, it's supposed to have a sporran in which to store one's goods; however mine was not loaned to me with the sporran, so I had to improvise). I now have a functional man-purse to carry my things.
One disappointing thing had to do with the state of MA. No one - not a single person - stopped and asked why I was wearing a kilt. I had my whole spiel down: September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, I'm participating in Kilted To Kick Cancer to raise money and awareness, etc. Most of the time no one even gave me a second glance. I got a few "thumbs up" and overheard "hey, look, that guy's wearing a kilt" from passersby, but no one stopped and asked what it was all about. I quipped to SCI-FI, my intrepid cameraman (thanks again!!!) that my Gadsden shirt was more likely to catch negative attention than the kilt.
I actually like wearing the kilt - it's definitely an experience unlike any I've had before, and I heartily recommend trying something this far out of your normal comfort zone. It's hard to say which was more unnerving - wearing the kilt in and around very busy businesses and restaurants in an urban area, or open carrying in Pittsburgh. I think I'll have to get one of the Utilikilts, strap on a 1911 in a Talon, and do both at the same time one of these days!
Remember, donations can be made at or my Kilted to Kick Cancer Team Page.Lastly, let me just say for the right donation I will be happy to provide custom pictures upon request - here's your chance to see just where my comfort zone truly lies!
That is all.
Okay MrG..
Here's a challenge:
$50.00 Picture in Harvard Square
+$25.00 Leave a Dog locked in the car.
+$25.00 Bring a child and discipline them
+$25.00 Hold a sign that says "War FOR Oil"
+$25.00 while eating a box of french fries cooked in trans fats
Now comes the Bonus Round!!
+$100.00 ride the red line allll the way to Mattapan and back!
Since I would rather see you live,
so you can continue to blog, I'll give you $50.00 for a picture with some type of celebrity.. :)
"First off, I don't know how you ladies do it, I really don't. Getting into my truck was a monumental pain in the behind - it's hard to hop that far up without showing off *way* more than you ever wanted to..."
You presume that they don't want to show off.
Embrace the breeze...
Utilikilts are great. I love the workman's model (with modesty snap). It is great when you are being very active (bike riding, IDPA competition, etc.). But, there are also some other great alternatives out there now. You've Alt-Kilt (who custom builds every kilt) and Nations Kilt (a little more traditional look with a clip on sporran).
I have $5 on a Marilyn Monroe recreation...
"First off, I don't know how you ladies do it, I really don't. Getting into my truck was a monumental pain in the behind - it's hard to hop that far up without showing off *way* more than you ever wanted to..."
Some of its practice, some of its avoiding certain things (like getting into a big vehicle that requires lifting leg to high), some of its the acknowledgement that there's no way to avoid it at which point you either attempt to do so in as modest a way possible, or give up and show it all off.
"Give up and show it all off"...
I wonder if I could get more donations if I offered to do just that... or to not?
Jay, in all seriousness $50.00 for a picture with a celebrity :)
The check is in the mail. Dropped it off en route to work.
As a Scottish Country dancer (yup, that's me on the right: assure you the kilt becomes second nature to wear.
OK...I'm thinking that there should be suitable attire to both wear a kilt AND open carry at the same time...
check yer email....
Let Freedom Swing.
Teh sexay......can not divert my gaze.....
wv: Vount
As in I vount to see what's under Jay's kilt.
"First off, I don't know how you ladies do it, I really don't. Getting into my truck was a monumental pain in the behind - it's hard to hop that far up without showing off *way* more than you ever wanted to..."
Step up on the step with both feet. Turn around. Slide in butt first with your knees together.
Of course, you know you aren't the first kilted guy to offer up custom pictures.
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