Get Your Motor Runnin'
Yeah, that's in my garage. There's no way I would have taken the Harley out in a kilt - there are laws against indecent exposure, and boy, that would be indecent! After the recent spate of unicorn pictures I felt I had to pose in something a little more my speed. You know, for those that think wearing a kilt isn't tough enough... ;)
I'd just like to take a moment and thank everyone who has donated so far. I am absolutely blown away by your generosity, and it humbles me that you have chosen to donate through my corner of the blogiverse. I've tried to keep this a daily event to raise awareness of prostate cancer, and many of the folks who have donated know someone close to them fighting - or losing - the disease. It's a good feeling to know that the money I raise will be going to help someone's dad, brother, husband, uncle, or friend.
For those that haven't donated yet, there's still time! As you know, donations can be made at www.pcf.org/kilted7 or my Kilted to Kick Cancer Team Page.
There's only three days left, and I've already got one request I'm putting up tomorrow, so get your custom pic requests in!
That is all.
I'm trying not to picture the outcome of the wind making its way around the gastank... ;)
In all honesty JAy.. you did a great job and have big stones posting the pictures you did!
There's a reason the picture was taken in the garage and not out on the road...
I've worn shorts on a motorcycle once. ONCE.
I can only imagine the problem would be magnified 100-fold with the kilt...
Thanks for the kind words (and the VERY generous donations (see folks? You CAN donate more than once!)
I really don't mind making myself look silly (well, sillier) for a good cause. Heck, there's video of me stabbing a Pikachu with a pistol bayonet out there.
Not like this is going to turn anyone off who wasn't turned off already...
The sporran is what keeps the indecency from occurring.
I'd be more concerned about the thing catching in the primary or chain though.
I'm not familiar enough with Harleys to tell if yours has such from the pic... My personal experience riding a "HD" is limited to an AMF Sportster; I would not wish that on anyone.
Primary chain is enclosed; the kilt would have to be floor-length+ to reach the drive belt.
You rode an AMF Sportster? I don't know if I should feel pity or amazement that it stayed running long enough for you to ride it... ;)
I dunno, Jay, I was enjoying the cognitive-dissonance pix. The kilt, dagger, and unicorn combo was cute.
Kilt jokes are too easy, of course... but I can't resist this one. An American tourist (female, overweight, fiftyish -- insert stereotypes here) is visiting London, and comes across a Scots guardsman in full regalia, kilt included. So she says (insert annoying nasal voice here): "Excuse me, I always wanted to know... what do you Scotch guys wear under your kilts?"
The guard mutters (insert outrageous Scottish brogue here): "Mum, I'm a man of verry few words. Give me your hand."
Oh, Lord... Jay, whatever you do, do NOT fire up that motor and put it in gear!!
Oh, and when you get off the bike? Wipe down your seat, m'kay?
Heh... Coward. ;-)
I ride with the kilt all the time. Just have to tuck it under your legs. Um, I mean the kilt; tuck the apron of the kilt under your legs and sit on the pleats. No trouble at all.
Well, that isn't entirely true. There was one incident on the highway where, as chance had it, a schoolbus was also traveling. Thankfully, nobody was seriously injured... But I suppose those emotional scars are tough to quantify.
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