Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not A Chance, Mitt...

Romney makes move to embrace Tea Party

WASHINGTON - For much of the past year, Mitt Romney seemed to strenuously avoid looking as if he were too closely linked to the Tea Party. No longer.

In an apparent strategic shift, Romney will be standing beneath a Tea Party Express banner in New Hampshire on Sunday night, and by Monday afternoon he will be at a Republican gathering in South Carolina hosted by Senator Jim DeMint, the South Carolina Republican and Tea Party kingmaker.
[pauses for a deep breath]


Mitt Romney has as much in common with the Tea Party and the principles by which the Tea Party came into being as I have in common with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Mitt Romney is a Northeast Republican, which is a fancy way of saying Democrat. He's never met a nanny state initiative he hasn't loved; he favors gun control; he foisted socialized medicine on Massachusetts - and on the US by extension through ØbamaCare...

Romney's embracing the Tea Party for the same reason that Democratic candidates show up at a historically African American church once in their campaign. It's the politically expedient thing to do; paying lip service to one faction of your support base. Politicians have been doing it for, well, as long as we've had more than one party. Every four years the Democrats accuse the Republicans of wanting to gut Social Security and throw grandma out in the snow; the Republicans point to states like MA with revolving door justice systems and accuse the Democrats of being soft on crime.

Romney's just going through the motions; he sees the Tea Party as yet another faction of the GOP that he must court, no different than the Bible thumpers or the Nascar dads or the oil robber barrons. The very idea that the Tea Party is diametrically opposed to, well, pretty much everything that Romney stands for escapes him; he gives them about as much thought as you or I would give to the pollen dust that collect on our cars.

Mitt Romney isn't a Tea Partier, he's far more of the latté brigade...

That is all.


Rev. Paul said...

Latte' brigade. Snerk.

TotC said...

The tea party express is not the tea party. Dana Loesch has spoken extensively on this, and she is one of the leading voices in the tea party movement. She denies that the TPE is anything but a RNC schill.

Dave H said...

Latté brigade. Snerk.

Ditto. That's a keeper.

I wonder if DeMint really thinks Romney is climbing on the bandwagon, or if he just plans to lobby Romney. My guess is the latter. Naive people don't rise far in politics.

Andrew said...

Romney is going to be at the Tea Party rally on Monday, at the same time that Palin will be there. I think that Romney is going to fade under that comparison.

ASM826 said...

June 3, 2011. I posted my reasons that I would never vote for Mitt Romney. Now there's three of us. It's a movement. It's ASM826/Marooned/Borepatch movement to prevent SORC™. Welcome aboard.

Toastrider said...

I don't think Mitt's fooling anyone, either. From what I've seen, it's all about the guy from Texas.

KurtP said...

"Hey, Mitt Romney is going to the Tea party"

"I don't know what he looks like."

"Just look for the guy who looks really uncomfortable."