Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Talk about picking the wrong day to stop sniffing glue...

Westford Superintendent’s Grandson Left Alone On School Bus

WESTFORD (AP) — It wasn’t just any kindergartner left on the bus last week during the first week of school in Westford — it was the superintendent’s grandson.

Superintendent Everett Olsen Jr. says the driver noticed his grandson as she pulled into the bus depot Friday. She apparently missed his stop and couldn’t see his head over the top of the seats.

Hoo boy. Had it been just another kid, obviously this wouldn't be a story. It sounds like the bus driver just missed a step - walking the aisle to make sure all kids are dropped off - and that the boy was never unattended or anything like that. It just happens to be incredibly bad luck that the one kid that got missed was the grandson of the person who makes the bus contracts...

I'll bet that kid sits right up front the rest of the year...

That is all.

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