Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A. His Lips Are Moving...

Wirecutter points out that Øbama hasn't exactly been forthcoming about the role of US Armed Forces in Libya.

From the article he links:

Despite repeated assurances from President Obama and military leaders that the U.S. would not send uniformed military personnel into Libya, four U.S. service members arrived on the ground in Tripoli over the weekend.

According to Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby, the four unidentified troops are there working under the State Department's chief of mission to assist in rebuilding the U.S. Embassy.

Now, this is not an unreasonable use of US troops, IMHO. The US Embassy - which is considered to be US soil - was damaged during fighting between loyalist forces and rebel troops (side note: I feel like I'm talking Star Wars here...). The soldiers are explosives experts sent in to check on the grounds for ordnance that might pose a problem in rebuilding efforts - a perfectly reasonable precaution.

However... We've just gotten through eight years of "ZOMG BUSH LIED" over everything from "ZOMG NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" to "ZOMG HE DIDN'T SERVE A REAL TURKEY" to even the Truther idiocy. If George Bush claimed the sky was blue, the New York Times and Washington Post would call him a liar - because the sky is actually clear, it only reflects the color blue. Protests would abound over the "Liar In Chief" because of his obvious pro-Azure statement.

For the media (except "Faux" News, of course - according to Øbama they're not a "real" news station anyway...) to ignore this story is yet another brick in the biased media wall.

That is all.


TOTWTYTR said...

My guess is that these aren't the first US troops to be in country since the start of the revolution. It's just the first four publicly acknowledged ones.

Old NFO said...

EOD guys, checking the embassy for bombs... Or that is my 'guess'...