Thursday, September 22, 2011

ProTip: How To Stop Your Car from Spying On You...

By now everyone has heard that OnStar can continue to spy on you even if you cancel the service ("In Soviet Russia, car watches you!").

What you may not know is that there's a relatively simple fix, and ASM826 shows us how it's done.

I'm with ASM826: you couldn't give me a GM car now; even if you did I'd sell it. As much as I love the new line of Cadillacs out now - especially the CTS-V and the CTS Coupe - between the .gov "bailout" (handout to UAW) and this new wrinkle there's simply no way I would own one. Well, that and I couldn't afford it...

Links found through Unc and my #1 blogson.

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

They missed the best joke. How to disable Onstar? BUY FORD!

BTW how must GM people feel these days, the resale value of their vehicles must be in the toilet by now.

Still as a life-long Ford man, serves 'em right!

Bubblehead Les. said...

I guess this means that FBI doesn't have to put a Tracking Device in the wheel well if you buy a Volt, huh?

Angus McThag said...

Ford's version is called SYNC.

Chrysler is expected to roll out theirs this year.

At least the GM version is easy to disable. Experience with Chrysler says that it won't be easy. Ford is an unknown at the moment.

Old NFO said...

McThag is right... Ford IS doing the same thing with Sync. It's not 'just' GM...