Monday, October 31, 2011

Anita Hill II: Electric Boogaloo...

You're kidding me. They're pulling this crap again?

Report: Cain accused of inappropriate behavior in 1990s
(CNN) - The campaign of presidential candidate Herman Cain has criticized a news report alleging that Cain displayed inappropriate behavior to two female employees in the 1990s, saying the news media has started "to launch unsubstantiated personal attacks on Cain."

At least two female employees of the National Restaurant Association complained of inappropriate behavior from Cain when he led the organization, POLITICO reported Sunday night.
No names. No specifics. I take the Anita Hill comment back - this is even thinner than the "allegations" against Clarence Thomas. It's rather interesting, though, the interest the media takes in allegations of sexual impropriety against a black Republican rather than, say, oh, a white Democrat...

Again, much like in the Clarence Thomas high tech lynching story, the allegations go back some 10-15 years, with vague hints of "inappropriate behavior" and all the incumbent "wink wink nudge nudge" that comes with it. "Gestures" and topics that made certain people "uncomfortable" are part of the report.

See straws, grasping at...

Having destroyed Sarah Palin, and not content with savaging Rick Perry, they've set their sights on Herman Cain next. He's probably the GOP's best hope at winning next November, given that he takes the "ZOMG RACIST" card out of the deck for the Democrats - and at this point, really, that's all they have. He's also a businessman with a record of success who doesn't carry the political baggage of, oh, the past four years of failed democrat policy.

Hence the desperate attempt to destroy his character.

They can't exactly portray him as the drooling idiot they made Bush out to be. His business record certainly doesn't bear that out, for one thing - and they can't use the "daddy's money" angle to explain away how he managed to become the manager of a business like they did with GWB. So, rather than being stupid, he must be evil - those are the only two archetypes available from Republicans. Sadly, "stupid" is most often correct.

Unless and until they provide more information than "a couple unnamed sources" and more specifics than "made them uncomfortable", I'm writing this off as YALMHP" (Yet Another Left-Media Hit Piece). Unless and until they expend the same amount of energy investigating allegations against BOTH parties, such pieces are suspect.

And now I've got to take a better look at Herman Cain - if he's got the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) this desperate, he may be worth supporting...

That is all.


JD said...

Ya the DEMS are smelling major loss in the air. . .

Bubblehead Les. said...

A) Now you're making me feel old. I know the Anita Hill Flap w/o having to use Wiki, and B) Of Course they're trying to Destroy Him! A Black, Conservative Republican going against the Anointed One? Do you really think the Professional Racists like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, would celebrate the possibility that, come November 2012, the United States might have to choose between Voting for a Black Man and other Black Man? Hell No! Those Bums would lose their Free Cheese! Why, if Brother Cain wins, how they gonna keep robbing the Ghetto when Cain says "No More Welfare, get to work!"

Mike W. said...

The left has always tried to destroy, or at least marginalize black conservatives and/or libertarians.

He's black, he didn't toe the liberal line. Attack! Attack! Attack!

Joe Texan said...

Cain is currently at the top of my list, and I've donated twice to his campaign. But...I hear he is squishy on the 2nd Amendment. On the other hand, if Obama couldn't impose more gun control, I don't think Cain could.

lelnet said...

Joe: I for one don't much care what a presidential candidate thinks about guns. Gun control is a dead issue for the feds. We've still got a bunch of mop-up battles to fight, but there's no longer any chance whatsoever that we're going to lose that war.

There are definitely things Cain thinks that I disagree with, but they tend to be the sort of things where the president isn't going to get 100% of his own way anyhow. His infamous tax plan, for example, is a very long way from being the best solution, but it's a terrific place to start the argument.

And besides...anybody the left hates this much just brings a smile to my heart on general principles. :)

Joe Texan said...

I pretty much agree with you regarding the President and gun control, but the real power is who he appoints to the Supreme Court. That's where the threat comes from, but I think he'd probably make some good calls along that line. Regarding his other qualities, I, like you, LOVE a conservative candidate who makes liberals' heads explode the way Herman Cain does.