Monday, October 31, 2011

When Worlds Collide...

Since it seems to be the ONLY news today, here's a picture from just outside Casa del G.:

Premature snowulation

Our pre-Halloween snowfall has been big news all over the country. Parts of western MA got over a foot of snow - we only got ~ 3-4", but it was heavy, wet snow. Lots of places without power because a lot of trees still had leaves like in the picture - and those leaves get heavy when laden with wet snow. School has been canceled in our area because two of the three towns in the school district don't have power (it's an all-or-nothing thing because we're regional) and my work has no power so we've got the day off...

And no, Al Gore has not been spotted in the Northeast...

That is all.


Dave H said...

I think the snowstorm was just an HBO publicity stunt to plug their A Game of Thrones miniseries. The motto of one of the families in it is "winter is coming."

Glad you're okay. When you didn't post at all on Sunday I thought you might have lost power at home.

Bubblehead Les. said...

And, yet, it still didn't send the Hippies who are "Occupying" South to Cuba for the Winter. Sigh!

Stretch said...

Coverage of "Occupy Key West" will begin in 3,2, ...

Robert said...

Actually, I read that Gore was in Mass!

Iceman said...

I'm really confused by the power outages! It seems that every time there is a wind storm, a large portion of the East Coast loses power. Don't you guys have wind storms regularly?

It seems like every time there is a snow storm, large portions of the East Coast lose power. Don't you guys have snow storms every winter? I would think you would all be fed up with power companies who can't string power lines in places where they won't be damaged by wind and weather. It seems bizarre to me that so many of you think that it is normal to lose power for prolonged periods. I've lived in the same home for 14 years, we've never had an outage lasting longer than 2 hours due to weather. The longest outage we've had was when a car took out a power pole down the street, and it was back and running in 4 hours.

These prolonged outages you guys put up with seem strange to me.

Dave H said...

Iceman: The Northeast power grid has been built up over the last 100+ years as the population and the demand for power kept growing. As cities and town built out in urban sprawl, there were fewer and fewer places for high tension power lines, substations, power plants, and other facilities. (I won't even get into environmental restrictions. I fear for Jay's blood pressure.)

We don't like the lack of stability, but there's just no alternative. Another company isn't just going to walk in one day, look around, say "I can build a better power grid than this," and do it. It'll take trillions of dollars and a level of cooperation from the government and residents (like the people on Martha's Vineyard that don't want a wind farm 15 miles away because it'll spoil the esthetic beauty of the sea and lower their property values) that is just not going to happen until after the revolution. Maybe not even then.

Weer'd Beard said...

And note the leaves are still GREEN! How fucked up is that?

Dad this weekend was doubling down on the Global Climate Change bullshit.

My response: "Dad, are you fucking shitting me?"

At this point I can't tell if he's legit or just trolling his boy.

Gunnutmegger said...

800k without power in CT still.

I had to abandon the YankeeGunNuts EOTWAWKI bunker for our backup EOTWAWKI bunker.