Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Yep, it's the day for ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. I wanted to share BabyGirl G.'s awesome costume with y'all. Here's her kit:

Yes, They Come In Pink

And here she is ready to go out:

Watch out Julie Golob!

She's going as a new girl shooter! Now, she's not going right away - she has some behavioral and maturity issues I'd like her to work through first - but I figured it couldn't hurt to get the basics down, right? When we picked up ear protection for TheBoy, the pink set was sitting right next to it, and she practically squeed when I suggested we get them for her "for when she's ready". It's good to have goals, right?

Yeah, I know, some folks don't care for pink, but I think BabyGirl G. looks smashing in it!

That is all.


libertyman said...

She is a cutie-pie! I suggest you wait until she is in her mid to late 30s before she is allowed to date.
And woe to the suitor who shows up at Castle G!

Dave H said...

Little girls are the loveliest thing in a daddy's life. Teenage girls are another matter.

I notice she has that same "I'll bet I can hit that without a scope" gaze her Daddy has. She's not going to be someone to be trifled with.

Now and then I see a thread on a gun board about "what gun should you be cleaning on the coffee table when the daughter's new boyfriend comes over for the first time." In Jay's case I don't think it matters, as long as that photo of him with the revolver and the feral grin is hanging prominently in the living room.

TinCan Assassin said...

Maybe a Kalishnakitty t-shirt to go with it? They don't have an Assault T-shirt Ban in MA, do they?

Ross said...

Jay, AbbyOakley has a rifle that you'd better NOT let Babygirl G see... it's a 10/22 with a pink stock, adorned with HelloKitty and the logo "I shoot like a girl". A girl Rifleman, that is... Abby's a Project Appleseed Instructor In Training.