Monday, October 24, 2011

Crankin' Along!

Several alert readers sent in this awesome addition to the DGC:

‘Very Afraid’: 66-Year-Old Woman Shoots and Kills Home Intruder

An elderly Northern California-woman woke early Friday morning to hear an intruder attempting to break into her home. CBS 12 reports that the 66-year-old Donna Hopper is still shaken after shooting the 37-year-old intruder dead.

Here's a mugshot of the deceased:

 (pic from The Blaze article)

What a charmer, eh? Just the sort of fine, upstanding citizen you want to see coming through your window at o-dark-thirty, right? Well, maybe if you've got a good twelve gauge and a room with a center drain, that is... Here's the kicker: That dude is (was) three years YOUNGER than your humble host. He looks like he's got a good ten years on me - guess Rick James wasn't kidding about cocaine being a helluva drug...

You want to hear the kicker? He'd been released from jail the day before this incident... Our hero in this story fired not one but two warning shorts; not a course of action I would employ but for some folks they feel it necessary - mostly, I'd guess, because they really don't want to shoot another human being. Of course, she didn't shoot a human being; she put down a rabid animal - I hope she sleeps like Officer Roid Rage's theoretical baby...

And once more: Gun control means a 66 year old woman having to take on a 37 year old drug addict in hand-to-hand combat rather than using the best tools for self defense...

Dead Goblin Count: 207

That is all.


JohnMXL said...

The mug shot makes me think of Willem Dafoe performing Christopher Lloyd's "Taxi" character Rev. Jim Ignatowski [sp?].

ASM826 said...

That's not cocaine. That's meth.

Eric said...

Looks like one of the humans in the 1968 version of Planet of the Apes.

TOTWTYTR said...

10 years? Brother, he looks like he has 30 years on you.

37, the hard way.