Thursday, October 27, 2011

How's That Shoe Leather Taste?

File her under "N" for "Not ready for prime time"...

Advised to watch words, Warren clarifies Occupy comments

U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren says the Wall Street protests are "independent" and "organic," clarifying a previous comment in which she seemed to be taking credit for the movement.

Warren said today that what she had intended to say earlier was that she had been protesting against Wall Street abuses for a long time.
Gee, if you meant to say "I've been protesting against Wall Street abuses for a long time", you should have said "I've been protesting against Wall Street abuses for a long time". You should have eschewed the Gorian "I created much of the intellectual foundation of the movement" line you actually used in favor of a more general platitude. The OWS may have some folks in it that honestly and truly believe that Wall Street abuses are the center problem; however there's a not-inconsequential number of folks that just want free stuff (student loans, anyone) or to simply mooch.

Add in the clashes with police, the fights, riots, and sexual assaults (that they're trying to hush up - isn't it interesting that when it's the Catholic Church covering up rape, the news falls over themselves to report it, but not the OWS movement...); well, I can see why you would want to distance yourself from this group a bit. Much like Scott Brown and those evil racist terrorist Tea Partiers, who, BTW, leave their protest areas cleaner than before the protest and have an order of magnitude fewer arrests, you can't just pick and choose which elements of the group you want to take credit for/show allegiance with/etc.

In for a penny, in for a pound Mrs. Warren...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

You nailed my feelings about the Flea Party in this post. Well-said, sir!

Bubblehead Les. said...

Ahh, But Wait! There's More! FoxNews is reporting that part of the Forces of Evil that is behind the Occupiers is our Good Friends at ACORN! Yes, ACORN! The Freedom Loving Group that supports Prostituting 13 year old Girls! The Group that Rigs Hundred of Thousands of Voter Registration Cards in exchange for packs of Big Tobacco's Vile Wares! The same ACORN ("A Communist Organization Ruining the Nation") that Barry Obama supported when HE was "Community Organizing."

So, Ms. Warren, since you claim to be the "Intellectual Force" behind OWS, how much Campaign Money have you taken from ACORN, or do they just do the Leg Work for you? Stuffed any Registration Boxes yet? By the way, just what is it that your Husband does in the Obama White House, and should he resign while you run for Office?

After all, one is known by the Company One keeps, Ms. Warren. Wonder how many Catholic Voters in Mass are aware of your Buddies at ACORN and its Pro-Abortion, Anti-Religious, "Praise Karl Marx!" Agenda/Philosophy?

Of course, these are Questions that the MSM should be asking, but, hey, they can't even SPELL "News", let alone report it.

Daniel in Brookline said...

Ah, cut the lady some slack. She's a professor; she's not used to being forced to make sense.

In fact, she's probably so used to saying whatever comes to mind and having it taken as gospel, that she will keep doing it, and not even realize what the problem is.

Sen. Brown, were I you I wouldn't worry too much. Your opponent can't argue her way out of a wet paper bag.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the only Wall Street abuse that Warren has been campaigning against is the failure of Wall Street to cut her a large check every year for her re-election campaign.

Weer'd Beard said...

I have not been very impressed with Scott Brown over the years, and maybe with the exception of the National Reciprocity bill passing with his help he won't be seeing a cent from me.

Still if he can't beat this featherweight moonbat like a drum he deserves what he gets.