Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'll Take "Things Jay Would Pay Money To See" for $500, Alex...

Heh. My #1 Blogdaughter sends this story of "what could have been" to brighten my day...

50 pound slab of blue ice falls off Air Force One narrowly missing “Occupy Las Vegas” protesters
LAS VEGAS - A group of several dozen “Occupy Las Vegas” protesters camping on Clark County land located under the final approach to Runway 19 at McCarran International Airport today narrowly missed being injured when a 50 lb. slab of “blue ice” reportedly landed within feet of their tents.
"Blue ice" is a polite euphemism for the leaking toilet water (it's blue because of the disinfectant/deodorizer) that freezes and exits the plane for a variety of reasons. Most often it falls off in small enough sizes that it's never seen; sometimes it does stick to the plane and fall off in sheets as the plane descends to warmer air. Apparently this sheet nearly hit some OWS protesters...

Because I'm a sick bastard, I liked this:
Clark County Director of Aviation Randall Walker was immediately notified and dispatched airport personnel to the campsite, but witnesses report that the blue ice had melted by the time officials arrived leaving only a smelly brown residue.
No, I'm almost certain that was the hippies...

That is all.


Ross said...

So... Obama is using icy BMs on the protesters?

WV: exahst. What a car produces in Massachusetts.

Dave H said...

So... Obama is using icy BMs on the protesters?

Well, as Jay reported yesterday, they're dismantling his nukes so what else does he have to fling, er, launch?

Mike W. said...

I'd make a joke about a poo flinging monkey, but I wouldn't want someone to think I was racist....

Ross said...

Mike, I got bad news for you. If you're the kind to read Jay G's scribblings and not run shrieking in horror, they ALREADY think you're a racist.

Go right ahead and snark away.