Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Interesting Claim To Stake...

So Elizabeth Warren thinks of herself as the founder of the Occupy Wall Street movement, does she?

Warren walks fine line on Occupy movement

A widely circulated video for Occupy Wall Street features rousing marchers beating on drums, grainy videos vilifying former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, and a singular voice, held up as a clear-speaking hero: Elizabeth Warren.

The video, filled with file footage of a Warren interview, has been viewed nearly 185,000 times since it was posted on YouTube on Oct. 3 and is one of many indications that some in the movement consider Warren, a Massachusetts candidate for the Senate, their standard-bearer.
You want to die on that hill, Mrs. Warren, please be our guest. While the "Occupy[Insert placename]" movement might be all the rage in the uber-lefty enclaves you inhabit, you'll find support drops off precipitiously once you move out of Cambridge or Amherst. I loved this line:

“I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do,’’ she told the website. “I support what they do.’’
Could you, in 500 words or less, define exactly what it IS that they do, precisely? The movement has been disjointed; seemingly unlead - except through the addition of $oros$ fund$, with the aims, goals, and boogeymen changing daily - if not hourly. The enemy is Wall Street. Well, not just Wall Street; it's all of America that worked hard and made something of themselves - that's hardly a message you want to push too hard, is it?

You've got these insane and inane "demands" - like free college tuition, universal free health care, etc. - that would absolutely bankrupt the government and shutter many institutions if implemented. To say nothing of the fact that once a college education is completely free, it becomes next-to-worthless. Blaming Wall Street for your student loans because you majored in Underwater Basketweaving at Elite U. might sound like a great plan, but when you start demanding that John and Jane Q. Public pay for your mistake - which is what .gov $$$ are - you start losing support rapidly. Especially with things like this:
Thirty-one percent said they would support violence to achieve their goals, according to the poll. Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said they agree the government “has a moral responsibility to guarantee health care, college education, and a secure retirement for all, no matter what cost.’’
Got that? Nearly a third "support violence to achieve their goals". This is the movement Warren is trying to claim credit for, folks. Think about the implications of that statement. A sizeable portion of the OWS crowd would be perfectly fine with government troops marching on private businesses to seize their bank accounts simply because they made too much money. That's not an America I want to live in. It is, apparently, close to a third of the America that Elizabeth Warren would like us to live in, though.

Warren is trying to play it both ways - she wants all the credit for the OWS movement, but none of the downside, like the riots, arrests, rapes, and bickering over funds. It's a classic politician move, mind you, and certainly nothing out of the ordinary for any politician to pick-and-choose the elements that they want associated with their image. It's just a little humorous to see Warren - the classic "look at me, I'm an outsider" - playing traditional politician games like a pro.

Time will tell if Massachusetts is ready for someone who makes Ted Kennedy look downright conservative...

That is all.


Tango said...

If they REALLY want violence, they need only to throw the first punch. When they do, grab some popcorn because it's gonna be a short, but very interesting ride!

Bubblehead Les. said...

But she's so Correct for the VolksRepublik, Jay! I mean, now that Canada has weaker Gun Laws than Massachusetts, she's just Perfect for the Wine and Cheese Crowd at Harvard (who are the ONLY ONES that Really Matter, don'tcha know?).

Laura said...

oooh Anonymous isn't gonna like that...

Weer'd Beard said...

That'll make for good campaign adds when the weather sends the hippies home and bucket loaders are cleaning up frozen fecal waste off the (formerly) greenway.

Also might be interesting if Cholera and Hepatitis start showing up from all these people not using proper sanitation.

Good idea Lizzy!

Thomas said...

Everybody keeps asking the OWS protesters why they are there, what they want, what are their goals. And of course none of them can provide a coherant message.

What those of us who look upon OWS with disgust are failing to see is that the lack of a coherent message is by design. I guarantee that if they actually produced a coherent message, they would not have the support they have now.

They will never have a unified message beyond "corporations are evil, and we're angry". Why? Because they could never establish a concensus on how to solve what they perceive is the problem.

By keeping things vague, by keeping the one common theme to "corporations are evil, and we're angry", they can gain broad support of useful idiots who agree with the basic mantra by playing to their emotional nature alone. No logic required.

Stretch said...

"Thirty-one percent said they would support violence to achieve their goals" Um, how many of that 31% could strip and clean an AR? OK, simpler task; remove the bolt from a Mauser action.

And Les, that should read "Whine and Cheese."

Daniel in Brookline said...

'By keeping things vague, by keeping the one common theme to "corporations are evil, and we're angry", they can gain broad support of useful idiots who agree with the basic mantra by playing to their emotional nature alone. No logic required.'

Sounds familiar. Keeping things vague, being all things to all people to gain broad support... hey, isn't that how President Obama got elected?