Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jealousy. I Haz It.

Roving MArooned reporter SCI-FI has sent in his first dispatch from Blogorado III. If jealousy were a color, I would be slathered in it...

- No headaches with TSA this time, lobsters and all. I got my pat-down, but no hits on "The Boys" this time.

- The drive from Denver to Blogorado involved slamming headwinds for five hours. The SciFiMobile was tossed like a salad. There were several incidents where I was certain I was going to be blasted into a ditch.

- FarmFam hospitality is everything I'd heard. They opened their home to us and fed us like kings.

- Despite my arriving without a firearm, FarmDad had an array of guns from which I could choose a carry weapon. I picked his Springfield Armory XD 45 compact.

- OldNFO has the most amazing collection of weapons. It took a team of three men 15 minutes to unload *some* his gear.


Next year, G-d willing, I will do the reporting myself...

That is all.

1 comment:

B said...

Significant coin could be yours if you could wangle a way for me to accompany you.....