Monday, November 28, 2011

Another One for A Monday...

Reader Kevin sends in another addition from the great state of Texas:

Homeowner kills car thief in south Houston

A suspected thief is dead, another one is wounded and a third is being sought in connection with a car break-in early Sunday in south Houston, police said.

The homeowner told police that he confronted the men breaking into his girlfriend's car outside his home. When he confronted them, they made an "overt movement" and the home-owner fired, fearing for his life, police said.

There's not much else given in the story, but the homeowner has not been charged. Texas has provisions for the protection of property; it's not clear whether this would fall under that or even personal protection, if the recently deceased had a weapon on his person. It's entirely possible that the homeowner came outside upon seeing them breaking into the car, and got a crowbar/knife/fist in his face as a result. The disparity of force in the sheer number of goblins (three on one) may have justified the shooting if they threatened him.

In any case, the goblin population has been decreased by one.

Dead Goblin Count: 216

That is all.


justcook said...

And it sounds as if he made the correct statement to the police "they made and overt movement, and I fired fearing for my life" the only other thing to say is I want to speak to my attorney.

Sabra said...

You can also act in defense of someone else's property, if they've entrusted it to you, & it's reasonable to think his girlfriend parking her car on his property constitutes that. Cops down here tend to be pretty understanding.

Jim said...

Here in Texas, the offense of "burglary at night" constitutes justifcation for a greater use of force, (per the statute, including deadly force), than the same crime during daylight hours.

Per the Texas Penal Code, the definition of "night" is 30 minutes past the solulnar-charted time for sunset, and 30 minuites before the same for sunrise.

In other words, at zero-dark-thirty, the mere fact that they were burglarizing the vehicle was all the justificaion required to employ deadly force.

One is justifiably more fearful at dark, not being able to see as much detail of the perp in terms of their threat posture, and so the benefit of doubt accrues to the citizen.

And so, there remains one less thug who would "Mess With Texas".

Personally, I wanna know what caliber the homeowner used, so I can buy him a box of ammo.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX