Monday, November 28, 2011

Northeast Bloggers Fourth Annual Winter Social

Holy smokes, this snuck up on me...

Well, Thanksgiving is behind us, which means it's well past time to start planning for the fourth annual Northeast bloggers winter social. Christmas is less than four weeks away (YIKES) and New Year's Eve a week after that. Usually the call goes out in early November, but apparently I was asleep at the switch and forgot. Thanksgiving hit and I realized that it was well beyond time to start pulling things together, so...

Here's the traditional format:

What? Northeast Blogger Winter Gathering.

Who? Any and all bloggers, commenters, readers, lurkers, etc. in the Northeast area, or those passing through, or anyone crazy enough to show up.

When? Typically sometime after Christmas, usually a Saturday evening for peak attendance; however this year Christmas (and New Years) are on a Sunday, so that's out - I doubt anyone wants to get together on Christmas Eve *or* New Year's Eve... Perhaps Saturday, January 7th might work for folks? We have historically started the dinner portion around 6 or 7 and go until the last person leaves (and at that, we're usually out in the parking lot yammering away for another hour or so...)

Where? TBD. Usually we get together somewhere in the southern NH area, the past two years at Jillian's in Manchester. I'll toss out a suggestion of Polcari's in Salem NH if folks are interested in really good Italian cuisine, and there's a couple of pool halls on close by if folks are interested. Alternately there's Portsmouth Brewery that might be fun. The Mexican restaurant we hit before the summer blogmeet was pretty decent as well. Or maybe someplace I haven't thought of! We're looking for a place that's not terribly crowded and can handle a crowd of 20 - 30 people - thoughts and suggestions are welcome!

Why? Folks getting together to enjoy good food, great beer, and superlative company. Bring your appetite, a whistle for wetting, and your best stories to tell. Sometimes we embarass ourselves playing pool afterwards...

We've got less time than previous years to plan, as it will be roaring up on us faster than we realize with the crush of the holiday season. With the two Saturdays taken up by the holidays we might want to consider a Friday (like the 30th, perhaps) - and meet a little later, like 6:30 or 7:00PM

Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

That is all.


Mopar said...

Well, Cher and I are in unless it's on a Friday. Pretty doubtful we could make it there before it was over with typical Friday traffic.

Weer'd Beard said...

The Mrs and I should be able to make it.

I vote for the Mexican, that place was good!

Paul, Dammit! said...

I'm home from Dec 22 to Jan 3. If I miss another meet, I will light myself on fire, while hugging kittens. Please, think of the kittens.

zeeke42 said...

What about Martha Sexchange in Nashua?

I'm hoping to make this one, wherever it is.

MedicMatthew said...

As long as it's a Saturday then I'm in.

doubletrouble said...

Have you checked out KC's Rib Shack in Manch? I believe they have a group area, & their BBQ is outstanding.
32oz. beers aren't bad either.

In the SW side, easy to get to, & right off 293 & 101.

I didn't steer ya wrong on the Mexican...

libertyman said...

Southern NH sounds good.

Ancient Woodsman said...

Go for a brewery tour. A-B in Merrimack, or Redhook in Portsmouth.

Haven't been to A-B in decades, but at the Redhook there is a decent little restaurant on site. There are plenty of restaurants near the A-B brewery if they don't offer food there.

Both locations are easy to get to from a distance, being right close to major travel corridors, and both have a bonus of plenty of hotel space nearby in case some might want to stay over.

And the A-B locations is right across the river from the Manchester Firing Line indoor range, while Redhook isn't far from the KTP.

Last idea: while evening entertainment ideas in the area aren't a long list, a SIG academy gathering might work, too. Easy to get to, lots of fun.

LWJ said...

Portsmouth sounds good.

Anonymous said...


Dammit, I want to meet Paul.

Jay, make it work.

PS Verification word is: lubshole

Weer'd Beard said...

Yep, also want to finally meet Paul.

Also the BBQ Doubletrouble speaks of also sounds like a winner!

libertyman said...

There is a gun show in Manchester January 8,9 -- Mopar you have been there, I know. As to locations -- anything mentioned sounds good. Strange Brew in Manchester has craft beers, for example, while Jillian's suits our boisterous profile and has pool tables, of course. Nashua and Merrimack are easy for many -- The Anheuser Busch brewery could be fun,though I have never been there.

Anonymous said...

"Anheuser Busch brewery"

Isn't that one of them there evil corporations?

Anonymous said...

Hey, if the masses decree the DINNER can't occur when Paul is here, how about setting up a lunch date meet-n-greet?

Ross said...

Hmm... gun show in Manchester, KC's Rib Shack is in Manchester... and I'm actually writing a blog this year. Might just have to attend.

I'm in for ribs and Manchester. Heck, we could even have a pre-dinner shoot at Manchester Firing Line. I haven't seen their new facility yet.

Jay G said...

Okay, so we've got competing agendas at play here.

It sounds like it really needs to be a Saturday evening - I'm cool with that.

That said, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are right out - those are family times, and I can't - won't - miss those, and I suspect most others won't either. Not to mention that I doubt we want to be on the road on NYE... :)

Yankeefried's idea has merit. What if we were to do a lunch on Jan 2. for Paul, perhaps something in metrowest MA area, and then the Blogger dinner on Saturday, January 7th?

I like the idea of ribs in Manchester - Doubletrouble was spot-on with the Mexican place. Shooting at MFL beforehand might be a possibility for those so inclined.

Let's see what folks think and I can start making some calls...

Mopar said...

I think Jan 7th works for us, just need to check with the boss. I'm pretty sure KC's Rib Shack was on the short list for a prior year, dont remember why it got voted off the island though. LM: Yeah we did visit the gun show last year, would do it again if it's the same weekend; if only to harrass DT again. :) You sure about the dates though? Jan 8-9 would be Sunday and Monday.

Paul, Dammit! said...

Jan 2 works for me! I'd be excited to meet up with anyone.

Anonymous said...


Since you are the guest of honor, any suggestion on where?

JD said...

Jan 7th sounds good for me. . .

TOTWTYTR said...

As of right now, the 7th looks good, pending a family thing that might conflict. If that happens, then I won't be able to go, but that's how it is sometimes.

Libertyman, are you sure that the gun show isn't the 7th and 8th? If it is, going to the show, then dinner would work.