Yes, that's a Ruger SR9c, the new polymer wündernine from the folks at Sturm, Ruger & Co. They were kind enough to send one for some T&E on the heels of the LC9 review, and I expect to be putting the small (but not as small as the LC9!) Ruger through it's paces in the coming months. One of the first things I want to do is get it to the range with the LC9 to see how the two compare - the LC9 is a lot smaller and lighter and still pretty controllable; the SR9c is going to need to be a joy to shoot to overcome the size and weight difference for only 3 more rounds...
Edited to add, courtesy of WEERD: The SR9c that *I* have only holds 10 rounds because I'm trapped in the Volksrepublik of Massachusetts which is subject to the AWB silliness. Free states can have the 17 round magazine, which changes the dynamic considerably from the LC9's 7 rounds. For me, personally, the difference in size isn't worth three rounds - but it is definitely worth 10. Ruger has managed to squeeze full-size capacity into a compact handgun, and that's pretty darn impressive. I'll be sure to highlight this in the full report.
In any case, I'll shoot this one a bunch and get a report back in a while!
That is all.
It IS a joy to shoot, Jay. I've got one, and it's a bunch of fun.
If it only didn't have that dorky loaded chamber indicator and that miserable magazine disconnect...
How's that stack up next to the Bodyguard? I got made fun of for having a .380 rather than a 9 mm over the weekend ....
The SR9c is significantly larger than the Bodyguard 380. The LC9, OTOH, is so close in size that I rarely take the BG anymore...
Lissa you should have handed them a catcher's mitt and asked them to step down range and you'd "throw a perfect strike".
In a perfect world people wouldn't carry .380s because compact 9s can be had for about the same size and very little more in price, and the round is considerably better.
Still you won't see me picking up that catcher's mitt for obvious reasons, and I suspect a mugger or rapist would make a similar informed decision.
Right, what WEERD said.
All handgun rounds suck, some - like G-d's own pistol caliber - just suck less...
.380 ACP might not have the same power as a 9mm or .45 ACP, but it's enough to give an attacker serious pause for reconsideration.
The LC9 is worth a try, though - I find it to be just as easy to handle as the Bodyguard 380 and only slightly larger in the pocket...
Too bad you weren't still up this way, we could get together and try it out... :(
I'll come back eventually, if only for a visit! And the teasing was good-natured; they were all sympathetic to the need to conceal under a skirt suit. The perfect caliber is the one you can and will carry on a daily basis!
... And hey, you need a pic of Siguette for your #239 post? :)
I have both the full-size Ruger SR9 and the compact SR9c. The SR9c definitely has the better trigger. It is much smoother.
As to the mag disconnect, I understand it is easily removed. I haven't done it yet but plan to do so.
I have the Crimson Trace Laserguard on it and it works well together.
Couldn't tell you, Lissa - I've never shot the Bodyguard. I gave up on .380 and ditched my (second!) PPK earlier in the year.
I will say that compared to the LC9, the SR9c's trigger is AWESOME. The LC9's trigger is, as Jay would say, "teh suck". The SR9c's trigger is smooth (well, for a <$400 gun, anyway!) and light - even here in MA with it's ridiculous laws and ridiculous AG.
I am very interested in your review; I picked up an SR9 and have had thoughts of the SR9c.
The SR9 is no SIG and won't replace any SIGs of mine except on the 'fun' table, but it sure is the anti-P95 and will most definitely get more use at play time than either the P95 or the P97. So far, I like it more than any other Ruger pistol yet, maybe as it is unlike any other Ruger pistol yet.
Depending on how much fun you have with that SR9c, maybe one of those will join the collection here, too.
Looking forward to your review. The Wife got to paw an SR9c a few weeks ago but hasn't had an opportunity to shoot one yet. Her initial impression was very favorable.
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