Friday, November 4, 2011

Like You And Me, Only Untouchable...

Bubblehead Les is trying to take over from PISSED in the "make Jay's blood pressure spike" department. Why else would he send me a story like this one:

Police Officers Reportedly Accused of Paying for Sex at Spas, Then Attempting Coverup
Several local and state police officers are accused of regularly paying for sex with prostitutes at three spas in the Boston area, in an illicit enterprise that was allegedly covered up by authorities, reports.

When asked how many police officers were customers, a former employer of one of the spas told the station: "I couldn't even tell you. There's so many. If I had to ballpark it? Maybe 30."
One - one - officer is on unpaid leave. The story claims he would stop by the spa - in uniform - and leave his car running while he came inside to use their services. Even if he did, as he claim, merely get a massage, he got it while we were paying his salary and while wasting gasoline. I'd like to think the MA State Police hired smarter folks to be staties than guys who would go into a massage parlor with the cruiser running while in full uniform...

But then again, when the odds are pretty good you'll never get in trouble for it, why not?

That is all.


Ancient Woodsman said...

My guess is that they were checking things out for the ATF before sending the 'servicers' south of the border, maybe?

Fast & Furious: Fast 'services' like those make for a Furious Jay G.

It will be neato to see how or even if Mumbles can explain this one.

ASM826 said...

I don't see why this would have been a big deal, he wouldn't have been in there more than a minute or two.

Jay G said...

Okay, while this is a serious issue, ASM826's comment made me literally LOL...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Not trying to take over from PISSED, just think of it as an "Addition To". Also, I'm just trying to "Share the Wealth", since that seems to be the thing to do nowadays. Think of me as your own Personal "Occupier." ; )

Jay G said...

Heh. Occupy Jay's Rage...

ASM826 said...

Sometimes laughter makes as much sense as rage. They are both equally effective in resolving a problem.

Paul, Dammit! said...

I guess everyone really does love a Happy Ending.

Jay G said...

Imma gonna hide before Christina_LMT sees that comment...

Christina RN LMT said...

What really pisses me off about all this is the fact that shit like this sets public opinion of massage back another fifty years. When I think of all the fucking hoops I had to jump through to get licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yet these so-called massage therapists were working without licenses for years...well, my rage outstrips yours by far, I guarantee it. GRRRRR...
I mentioned before that getting my LTC was a piece of cake compared to getting my massage license. It's ridiculous. Then skanks like this get busy giving handjobs (and more!) to the local constabulary? (And probably make shittons more money than I do performing legitimate massage...) Deep breaths, Christina...take deep breaths before you blow a gasket.

David said...

Sigh. Another "botched sting operation"...