Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Open Letter to Scott Brown.

Dear Senator Brown,

Recent statements made by you to local media outlets, and in your letter to Mayor Menino of Boston, indicate that you are in opposition to HR822 and will not vote in favor of this legislation. Your reasoning for this, in your own words, is:
Under the proposed House legislation, a national concealed carry reciprocity amendment would obligate states like Massachusetts to recognize that concealed carry permits of other states, even if the bearer of that permit does not meet the requirements established by Massachusetts to receive such a concealed carry permit. I believe that the people of Massachusetts are best positioned to decide what is best for Massachusetts. Therefore, if H.R. 822 or similar legislation comes before the Senate, I will vote no.
Are you aware, Senator Brown, that Massachusetts is one of the only states that requires its citizens to have a permit simply to own a firearm, let alone carry one concealed? Are you also aware that - in clear contradiction to the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights - that the ability to simply own a handgun in Massachusetts is what is known as "May Issue"? It is completely at the discretion of the local licensing authority whether a citizen of Massachusetts may even own a handgun. For any reason that local licensing authority sees fit, a Massachusetts resident may be denied their Constitutionally enumerated right to keep and bear arms.

I submit, Senator Brown, that using "what is best for Massachusetts" is the wrong criteria for deciding on Second Amendment issues. Massachusetts is in the clear minority of states that issues concealed carry permits on a "may issue" basis - meaning that the right to bear arms can be denied capriciously and arbitrarily according to the local licensing authority. Currently 41 states - far beyond a supermajority - are "shall issue" with regards to carry permits, meaning that as long as an applicant meets the requirements of the state, they will be granted a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Four states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm - three more than ban concealed carry completely.

Massachusetts is in a clear minority of states that deem its citizens unworthy of exercising their enumerated rights without undue and onerous regulation. The local licensing authorities have sole control over whether a Massachusetts resident receive their permission slip to merely own, let alone carry, a firearm. Applying this standard to the vast majority of states that do not require this unconstitutional measure - and refusing to allow a measure already in place with regards to the licenses required to operate an automobile - places the unreasonable burdens of Massachusetts gun ownership upon the remainder of the country.

You were elected as the junior senator from Massachusetts to fill the seat formerly occupied by Edward Kennedy in part because you represented a change from the status quo. Your opponent did not feel she needed to mount a serious campaign against you, figuring that her political affiliation alone would be sufficient to win her the seat. You fought a serious, dedicated uphill battle to win that seat, sponsored in no small part by the freedom loving residents of Massachusetts who support the right to keep and bear arms.

With your refusal to support HR 822, those of us who believe in the Constitution of the United States will have yet another reason to stay home come November 6th, 2012. Please don't alienate a motivated, politically-savvy voting bloc that would otherwise vote for you over Elizabeth Warren in, excuse the saying, a New York minute. I urge you to reconsider your opposition to HR 822, and instead consider supporting this measure in the interest of promoting freedom.

Don't make the mistake of using Massachusetts as a model for anything related to Second Amendment rights - or anything even remotely resembling personal freedom.

That is all.


Daniel in Brookline said...

Well put, Jay!

Let me add: it is the issue of reciprocity that prevents a Massachusetts resident, legally permitted to carry concealed in MA, from carrying a firearm to defend family and property when leaving the state.

Why do other states refuse to recognize a Massachusetts LTC? Because we don't recognize theirs, that's why.

Currently a Massachusetts resident who needs to carry while traveling must apply for out-of-state non-resident permits, requiring time and expense and inconvenience. Does Sen. Brown truly feel that this is appropriate and necessary, for Massachusetts residents who need to defend themselves while traveling? And if so, why?

Weer'd Beard said...

Make sure to email this to Scott with your URL.

He has done nothing that has made me proud to support him.

Bubblehead Les. said...

If Senator Brown thinks that it is up to Massachusetts to decide what's best for Massachusetts, then under his own Logic, if Virginia wants to bring back Slavery, then he should have no Problem with it, because that would be what Virginians want.

But after the win by the Union Thugs up here on the North Coast, which was a Dry Run for the Next Presidential Election, New Hampshire looks better all the time. Of course, there's only so much Property for Sale, and if I get mine First, well, those who were slow to Evacuate...; )

Jay G said...

Thank you Daniel!

That's an excellent point, too, about MA not recognizing any other state's permits. Many of the "shall issue" states have requirements just as stringent - or more so - than Massachusetts, yet MA still won't recognize those permits.


I'm waiting for the next "please send me money" fundraising e-mail I get. I'm sending a reply with this URL.

Given the frequency with which I get hit for donations, it should be a couple hours, tops...


Head on up, the water's fine in NH (albeit cold, but being a Northcoaster you're used to that...)

ASM826 said...

Bill Whittle's latest video about the Constitution speaks directly to this issue.

Once the laws say something that is in exact opposition to the Constitution, what does it say about the social contract?

Weer'd Beard said...

"I'm waiting for the next "please send me money" fundraising e-mail I get. I'm sending a reply with this URL."

I told those letters to fuckoff when Obamacare passed with this RINO's help.

I got Scott's boilerplate anti-rights response from when I emailed him last month to support this bill.

.45ACP+P said...

I was under the impression that only Illinois completely banned concealed carry. The other "difficult" states technically allow it but it is impossible to actually get.

Dave H said...

They say people get the government they deserve. So how come I get the government Massachusetts deserves?

Daniel in Brookline said...

Apropos of nothing, just because I feel like it:

"When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if I had any firearms with me. I said, 'Well, what do you need?' "
-- Stephen Wright

P.S. My word verification is "rearn". I tried "rearm", but it didn't like that.

Stretch said...

Damn! That should be printed on asbestos fibers so as not to burst into flame.
Do NOT e-mail that. Most congresscritters ignore electronic transmissions ('cept bank transfers).
Heavy stock paper and envelopes are the way to go. The return address should be that of a prestigious Boston law firm or philanthropic organization. That will insure the letter is open by at least a senior staffer. Just some tricks I learned from friends who work on Capital Hill.

SpeakerTweaker said...

I meant to ask you what you thought about this. Guess I didn't need to!

I so hate it for you guys in MA. Politically, you get screwed every time you turn around. I know picking up and moving is real easy to say...

... but I know some folks with pickup trucks. Just sayin. ;)


Veeshir said...

Guy never heard the saying,
"Dance with who brung ya".

I'd escape that state as soon as possible.

Jay G said...

Y'all are aware that Scott Brown is a *US* Senator, right?

Escaping MA will not escape the damage that letting someone like Elizabeth Warren into the US Senate will cause.

This isn't a MA thing, not by a longshot. But it is best addressed by a *MA* resident that actually has a say in who becomes a US Senator from MA...

(Now, don't take that to mean that if the Mrs. came up to me tomorrow and said "I'm ready to move" that there *wouldn't* be a "For Sale" sign on the house before the word 'move' finished leaving her lips...)

Weer'd Beard said...

stretch, not true, I got this fabled letter last week when I emailed him about the bill.

I didn't get a response for my reply, but that's expected, he has chooses the side against freedom and logic, and I'm not going to vote for him ever again, so what's to discuss?

Bubblehead Les. said...

BTW, it just hit me: WHEN was the last time any Citizens of the VolksRepublik were ALLOWED by the Commonwealth's Politburo to vote on any Gun Legislation? Don't you all just have meetings at the State House, then the Goobernor signs the new Law restricting your Freedom? So how does Rino Brown, who came from the State House have the nerve to say that it's "Up to the People?"

FWIW, having lived there in N.H. mid-80's, I'm wondering if I can use my Brother-in-Laws Condo up by Mt. Washington as my "Official Home of Record", and claim my Ohio Residence as a "Vacation Home?"

Ed said...

A Florida or Utah Concealed Carry License allows you to carry in over 35 states because of reciprocity agreements among the states. However, Massachusetts may, I repeat, may issue a restricted Massachusetts License to Carry to an out of state applicant valid for only one year after applying for $100, provided that you meet with a state official at an appointed time and date of their choosing. Want to carry a 15 round magazine in that Sig the first year, which is normal for most of the rest of the country? Forget about it. Maybe at renewal for another $100. Maybe.

Skip said...

After jumping through the hoops put up by California and shelling out just south of two bills to a liberal chief of police, I am licensed to carry.
The license only allows three listed guns you may carry.
Through the mail I received a Utah CCL and a Arizona license.[AZ doesn't require a license but they are honored in Nevada[GBR VI]]. But, then again, Moonbeam signed no open carry.

Anonymous said...

"Thank you for your recent communication...blah blah blah" I think Brown must be Teddy's clone. I am licensed to carry in the Peoples' Republik and some other states..only difference is the other states take about ten per cent of the time to get the LTC and much less money. Why???

Don F

TJIC said...

Yeah, if we had reciprocal CCW, folks with politics not vetted by their local police department wouldn't be able to defend themselves - oh, the horror!