Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Campaign Pic, Part 19

Maybe I'm getting too cynical...

I can see November from...

Hmm. Perhaps Øbama doesn't need our help...

That is all.


Irish said...

Sad BUT true..

Bubblehead Les. said...

You know, soft foam ear plugs that are used as hearing protectors on the range can be used on Election Day to block the Stench when one enters the Booth. Keeps your hands free. Just remember to remove them when you leave and you go to the nearest bar to dull the pain afterwards.

Jim said...


This is the first place I saw that quote, and it pretty much describes my attitude on the subject. My vote is against the incumbent, not for anyone. It seems that most of my votes are just like that.

Weer'd Beard said...

Can maybe you be a little less right about this one, Jay?


Daniel in Brookline said...

"If God had intended for us to vote, He would have given us candidates worth voting for."
-- attribution unknown

At the most recent "debate", I think it was Newt Gingrich who cut to the chase -- bottom line, every one of the people in that picture would be a far better President than Barack Obama. And that's the choice we're going to have.

Frankly, given the [expletive deleted] candidates have to go through these days, I'm glad we have candidates at all. (Would you want to run for office, attempting to do some good, and be Palinized, along with your entire family and everyone who used to be your friend? I wouldn't.)

Velcro8ball said...

As you may remember, in 1996 we ran a candidate on the "I'm not Clinton" bandwagon. We didn't get a President Dole. You have to have a reason to vote for someone, not just agin'em. Velcro8ball