Monday, December 19, 2011

Go. Read. Laugh.


Larry Correia is a genius. An insane, slightly unbalanced genius. It is not by coincidence that he lives in UT, which is also not coincidentally really damn far away from Massachusetts. No, neither of us can explain Mitt Romney. Anyways, Larry's got the fourth installation in the CHRISTMAS NOUN series, and you need to go read it right now or mind control rays will shoot out of the Tickle Me Elmo doll you got your niece for Christmas and rot your brain.

Or Wendell the Super Manatee will drive over your foot in his monster truck. One of the two. I forget which. Something bad will happen if you don't read Larry's latest. Like a plague. Of incontinent fruit bats. Or armadillos with really bad BO. Think of something bad. Then light it on fire. With sterno. And that smell from melting plastic. Yeah, that bad. Times two.

Go, read, laugh, and have a Merry Christmas!

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Absolutely hilarious! :-)

Bubblehead Les. said...

Started to read it, realized I was out of Egg Nog to pass through my nostrils, will return to it tonight after I hit the Grocery Store.

Anonymous said...

Another great year but I am truly waiting for -

"2012 - the Noun of the Apocalypse"