Thursday, December 15, 2011

Too Good to Not Pass On...

Unc links to a smokin' hot deal on hearing protection at Amazon.

Go over to his place and click through if you want to buy - he gets a piece of the action if you do. $35 for a good set of muff-style hearing protection is cheap, cheap money to spend to prevent hearing loss - and free shipping in time for Christmas if you order today. That's a deal that's really hard to beat. I ordered a set, because I can always use a spare pair when I take new shooters to the range.

Go avail yourselves of this most excellent deal!

That is all.


Sean D Sorrentino said...

I have some Peltors and I like my Howard Leights better. Pay the extra $13 and get a battery door that's accessable and a power switch that works.

d said...

don't want to rain on anyone's parade here, but they show up as $50.43 when I click through

Jay G said...

There's a $15 promotional rebate when you check out.

BGMiller said...

Thanks Jay, and by proxy Unc.
Tossed a Mora knife in the cart too so that sucked up the $15 rebate but a free sharp and stabby is the best kind ever.


Tom said...

Brilliant deal!

Anonymous said...

I have Howard Leights, these Peltors, and several higher end Peltors as well.

For $35, these are a great deal.

I haven't had problems with the power switch on mine, but it is a pain to swap batteries! The higher end Peltors solve that problem.

Skip said...

At GBR VI the Pro Ear guys were giving standard sets to the shooters and demoing their $350.00 pair.
I'm saving up, they are that good.

libertyman said...

Got a pair -- thanks for the tip, and thanks Unc!
They will be my "guest shooter" pair replacing a pair of hideous Caldwell muffs. The Caldwells were very cheap from Midway, and are terrible.
How about you getting some muffs from different vendors for some testing?

Ross said...

"Features an outstanding noise reduction rating of 19 dB"

Can someone explain to me WHY Peltor hearing "protection" is so damn popular when they have such piss-poor noise reduction ratings? I wouldn't even shoot my .22 with these on. I wear a set of Pro-Ear Gold muffs with an NRR of 33 - I do NOT need to lose any more hearing, thank you.

Seriously... if you shoot indoors or shoot magnums or rifle calibers, do yourself a favor and get some better-rated hearing protection.