Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where Are The Velociraptors?

Stretch sends in this head-shakingly stupid story that illustrates why humans need more natural predators:

Firefighters rush to help officer worker after he gets trapped in stepladder

Firefighters were called to help the man after he wedged both legs in the second rung of the three-step ladder.

They tried to spare his blushes by not identifying him but a picture of the freak accident in Lewisham, south-east London still emerged.

There's a picture at the story link. If that's the actual incident that precipitated a call to the UK equivalent of 911, someone deserves a flogging. If you are so monumentously stupid that you cannot figure out how to get your damn legs out of a three step stepladder, perhaps they should leave your rotting corpse out on your front lawn pour encouragez les autres, no?

I'll bet this moron rushes out to buy a Chevy Volt.

That is all.


LC Scotty said...

Irish said...

I can't believe how stupid people are....wait..never mind.

Armed Texan said...

His coworkers are just as idiotic as he his. Instead of calling 999, they should have just brought him a chair. Once he got the pressure off of his legs, the ladder will slip right off.

Weer'd Beard said...

BTW he's a big supporter of gun control!

Laura said...

you want Utahraptors, not Velociraptors...unless you really like watching turkey-sized dinosaurs attack larger prey.

Jay G said...

Laura, I'm almost certain that a couple velociraptors could take care of idiots like this.

I mean, we're talking about someone who was bested by a *stepladder*...

Laura said...

Lol, point. Wouldn't you want the individual to have a swift death, though? I mean, the moans could bother his fellow cubefarm denizens...

wv: plorphy. good god, that guy's plorphy in the headspace...

Anonymous said...

Ladder ban in 3...2...1...

Bill said...

Same country that conquered most of the world huh? That whirling sound is Lord Nelson digging another "Chunnel"

Ferret said...

In order to understand the recently enacted ban on stepladders of less than four steps in height, we watch a gruesome scene unfold. As the office drone executes a clumsy dismount of the stepladder, it succumbs to gravity's relentless pull and is trapped with its legs firmly entwined within the ladder. Unable to free itself, it emits a low keening sound in the hope that another member of the tribe of Sales and Marketing will come to its aid.

Ross said...

It figures it happened in no-longer-Great Britain.

Laura, we just want some gentle cleansing of the gene pool, not a chilling blast of chlorine!! Heck, I don't carry enough artillery on a day to day basis to stave of hungry Utahraptors! (Even JayG doesn't, I think - not sure even the SFH would deter those critters.) Idiots like that one, though, would probably succumb to the velociraptors quite nicely.

Laura said...

Ross - but watching Utahraptors munch on the guy could be more entertaining. Especially if he runs!

DocRambo said...

This is a joke, right? Even the emasculated males of Great Britain can't have fallen to such lows. No gun rights, Sharia Law, and the perpetual Nanny State rulings of their bureaucracy, have made the whole country the laughing stock of the Western World.