Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And Another One!

Greg sends in the latest addition (four adds in two days!):

Alleged burglar fatally shot by homeowner in South Everett
EVERETT, Wash. -- An alleged burglar was fatally shot at a home on Monday morning. The incident occurred at a home in the 10500 block of 21st Ave. SE at approximately 11:47 a.m.

Snohomish County sheriff's deputies said the homeowner found the stranger in his home, and a confrontation ensued. During the argument, the homeowner opened fire, hitting the alleged burglar. The person was pronounced dead minutes later.
I'd imagine this wasn't a home invasion, this was a simple case of "hey, you're not supposed to be home at this hour of day" kinda thing. First thing Monday morning most folks are at work, so what better time for a goblin to ply their trade? The article is extremely short on details, except to say that WA allows for self-protection (unlike here in MA where self-help is discouraged...) and that there have been a recent increase in burglaries and car break-ins.

At least there's one fewer goblin to be concerned about...

Dead Goblin Count: 238

That is all.


Anonymous said...

That's why reasonable people don't become burglars.

Ruth said...

former co-worker of mine was horrified to discover that her new house had been broken into during the hour in the morning that it took her husband to drive her to work and run a couple errands, like he always did that morning of hte week. I pointed it that predictable absences like that are what bad guys look for, cause its so much easier than trying to not wake up the family at midnight. She was unappreciative of my logic.

greg said...

A little more detail is coming out. The Dead Goblin was 22 years old, and in the interest of multi-tasking, was using a stolen vehicle to run his errands.

Anonymous said...

But the Snohomish prosecutor still hasn't decided whether to press charges on the homeowner!

Western Washington is California North, or maybe Massachusetts West!

Over here in Eastern Washington we tend to be a little bit more S,S, and SU!

More of us that believe, as the Texans say, "He NEEDED Killin'! "