Telescoping stock. Black synthetic furniture. Rails. This is the lever gun as designed by, well, me. There's fancy muzzle brakes, too, which is pretty funny considering that two of the three models are .22LR. And, of course, since the guns are lever action and the magazines are tubular (i.e. non-removable), they are 100% ban compliant.
Why, yes, I will be asking for a T&E sample; why do you ask?
That is all.
Good for Mossberg, but I am showing my age as I think lever actions look best with beautiful wood and fine finishes.
On the other hand, maybe they should have much bigger loops for the lever -- run that by them for me!
I recall, I think it was the Metzenbaum bill (old AR magazines a bud gave me) only would have exempted tubular mags in .22 LR that held 6 or less rounds of ammunition.
To be fair, that is an uuuugly blaster, but for those in less than free states (Kalifornia comes to mind along with a good deal of New England) I can see why they made it.
Somebody posted a photo of the .30-30 version on our NY shooting forum. It's getting some odd reactions. One guy said if his leg ever has to be amputated at the hip he wants one of these installed as a prosthetic leg.
I don't mind the adjustable stock - my Marlin feels a little short, and I'm not tall - but the rails come across as being a bit too much.
Any mention of MSRP?
Pro- a threaded barrel lever action. Need to ramp up the ./30 cal suppressor timeline
Con- What the hell?
If you are going to go full tactitard, at least go for an AK Underfolder stock. Yeesh.
As long as it's in .45-70, I want one.
load up some black magic and let 'er rip!!
You're not worried that the holy ghosts of John Wayne and Chuck Connors might pay you a visit if you shoot that thing?
I can't help but wonder why... I guess I can see it being a house gun, but in that case, isn't a 16" Trapper gun already short enough? A youth stocked, 16" 30-30 would be a lot more efficient, and a flashlight mount on the forend isn't that hard... I told my wife a while ago, the most important 'tactics' to me are the rapid presentation, application of force, and the rapid disengagement. The rest of the pages in a tactical handbook would be the ones that get me in trouble with a jury. For the frontline folks (MA,NY,CA,NJ,IL) I can see the application, but its a pull for me.
I think a Speed Feed lever action stock set would be way better than what this look like.
Uh, no.
Muzzle BRAKE... C'mon, Jay.
Dude, I wrote this post at 3 o'clock in the morning. Cut me some slack...
Um. I have a Win '94 and I'm planning on giving it a Henry .22 stable mate - and I grew up watching The Rifleman - so I like lever guns. But my reaction to those is simply "Ick".
I'm sure they're fine guns... for someone else. I won't be getting one.
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