Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome Home...

This is but a small sampling of what I have in store in the following weeks...

That's the pile of follow-ups from SHOT I need to get to in the coming days/weeks. There's folks to add to the blogroll/add to the list of "Bloggers I've Met"; there's industry folks to contact about T&E samples; there's general contacts to add to the ol' Rolodex (who remembers those???); some info to pass along... Lots of stuff to do, so little time to do it.

I might have everything followed-up on by the time the NRA Convention rolls around...

That is all.


Dave H said...

I chase bits for a living as a software engineer, but I still keep a paper address book. A Rolodex makes perfect sense to me. I know just how stupid these computin' machines are.

The downside of a Rolodex is that nothing ever gets removed from it. I've gotten phone calls for people who hadn't been with the company since before I joined because I inherited their phone extension.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Time to hire a Blogatary, perhaps?