Monday, January 16, 2012

A Worthy Idea...

Friend, blogshoot attendee, new gunnie, and all-around good egg Brad_in_MA notes that the first anniversary of "L'Affaire TJIC" is this coming Thursday. He has a simple proposal for everyone that posted their support of TJIC: A buycott similar to Buy A Gun Day or Ammo Day. Show that you stand with your oppressed brother TJIC by (legally) purchasing items to support our Second Amendment enumerated right.

Because of words that he wrote and nothing more; words that targeted no one nor incited anyone to violence; with no record of violence whatsoever, TJIC found himself rendered unable to legally exercise his Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms. Because of something he wrote, which was not sufficient to charge him with a single crime, he had his firearms permit pulled with no avenue for appeal or review.

Go out and support TJIC and your local fun store at the same time on the 19th. Let the powers-that-be see yet another spike in firearms and related items; they seem, based on recent news, to pay great attention to large gun or ammunition purchased (provided they're not running guns to Mexico...). Perhaps seeing thousands (or more) Americans preparing for their own defense will make someone take note...

And hey, at the least you have a shiny new gun and/or extra ammo!

That is all.

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