Monday, February 27, 2012

Armchair Detective...

Hmm. I wonder what the real story is here...

Hamilton Sergeant Found Dead After Allegedly Shooting Beverly Cop
BEVERLY (CBS) – A Hamilton Police Sergeant accused of shooting a Beverly Police officer has been found dead.

Police say Ken Nagy, a Hamilton police officer, shot Beverly Police officer Jason Lantych. Lantych was shot outside a Starbucks on Enon Street. Witnesses say he was shot twice, once in the hip and once in the arm.
Nagy confronted Lantych, shooting him multiple times, then left the scene and later committed suicide. Nagy's wife knew the victim. The victim was shot in the leg - the upper leg. Specifically, the groin. Perhaps that's just a coincidence - stranger things have happened, certainly - but it's as good a theory as any why a police officer from one town would travel to another police officer's town to a pre-arranged meeting during which he planned to assault and/or kill the other police officer.

Again, this is in Massachusetts, where we "discourage self-help" and favor calling the police when bad people show up intending to do us harm. While it's most likely that this was a crime of passion that was not dangerous to anyone not already involved, it's interesting that we have a police officer - the only class of people that the Bradys think should be allowed access to firearms - committing the type of crime that the anti-gunners think concealed carry permit holders are just itching to commit.

Police officers - as evidenced here - are no more or less likely to commit crimes with firearms than non-law enforcement personnel. They are no more or less ruled by their emotions, no more or less swayed by drugs or alcohol, no more or less likely to react poorly to unfavorable situations. Yet this class is acceptable to own firearms - even in Massachusetts - while the rest of us are not to be trusted.

Sure says a lot about how the folks at the Brady bunch view us, doesn't it?

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

That's like taking a Bet on whether Water is Wet or Not.

Ancient Woodsman said...

An underlying theme here is one that I allude to when talking to prospective or new police officers: "Think about it. Everywhere you go, there will be a firearm that can be used against you." This will result in stares of disbelief, or a comment or two about my wild paranoia.

Then tell them, "Maybe your complainant or suspect doesn't have a gun, but you do, and you just brought it in to that environment."

Mostly there follows a lot of hushed, "gee" and "oh...."

I feel sad for Nagy, the families of both officers, and hope officer Lantych recovers well and quick.

WV - Atommitti Feeny: Shirley's aunt Miti who works at Oak Ridge?

d said...

Help. Police!

Marty said...

Just goes to show you that police officers are human, too. All of us are subject to emotions and should be held accountable for our actions. When we decide to conceal and carry guns we had better be smarter than and have cooler heads that the cops in this story. We must use our weapons responsibly, no matter what our occupation is.