Thursday, April 12, 2012

Made It!

Well, I - and my luggage - made it to St. Louis. I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my ride to the hotel. I've got an hour before the get-together; I figure I'll have about enough time to check in and drop off my luggage before things start happening.

Let the madness begin!

That is all...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Keads said...

Wish I could have made it this year! I hope you have a great time and if you get a chance, give the S&W Shield a once over for me.

Nancy R. said...

Jealous! Let us know if anyone licks your head this year.

Dave H said...

Give 'em heck, soldier.

I guess Lawdog is going to be there. Something about doing some sort of presentation I think. He sounded a little uneasy about going. Maybe you could put him at ease by, like, stalking him or something.

Maureen said...

Getting to meet Lawdog...I'm jealous.

Maureen said...

Getting to meet Lawdog...I'm jealous.

phlegmfatale said...

Himself is giving a presentation??? :P

We'll see you there tomorrow night. I am so excited I may go into orbit. It's going to be such a grand occasion. :)

LawDog said...

No presentation! Hell, no!

I've got a press pass -- that's it.


Dave H said...

Ah, forgive me sir, I misread your post from back in February. When you said "media list" I read it as "speaker list." Sorry about that.

NUGUN said...

Well I almost made it back to my resting place unscathed from the blogger meetup.