Tuesday, March 5, 2013

As You No Doubt Have Heard...

The world is one tinpot dictator short tonight. The planet is slightly freer, at least until another petty tyrant rises to take his place. The people under his regime will not doubt wind up just as bad if not worse; however for the moment we can celebrate that a power-mad despot is pushing up daisies.

Don't get too excited - on the other hand Mayor Bloomberg will finish out his term.

That is all.


Dave H said...

I won't miss him, but I wouldn't wish that mode of passing on anyone. Even him.

Borepatch said...

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum, even for such as he. May he find God's Gospel grace, even such as him.

And may his country start to recover from his reign.


Brad_in_IL said...

Where's Joe gonna go for oil?

TotC said...

We can only hope Bloomers doesn't choke on his salt free, trans fat free, french fries and under 16 oz coca cola.

As for Chavez, thank God that jumped up, tin badge two bit dictator is gone from this mortal coil.

AK™ said...

Could we send Obama and his cronies over there "...for freedom"? I'm speaking Hillary,DiFi,basically any old,ugly,anti-gun liberal.

Heath J said...

Standing Wolf always said it best:

No tyrant should ever die a natural death.

Good riddance, asshole.

Old NFO said...

Let's hope Venezuela recovers... Remember what happened to Haiti with Papa Doc...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Oh, I'm expecting that the "Socialist Cuban-Venezuealain Appreciation Society" will send over a few thousand "Armed Volunteers" to ensure the Safety of the Revolution come Election Day, and SURPRISE! Guess who Won in a Landslide!?

And of course, Obama will wait 3 days to make sure his Foreign Affairs Talking Points are properly Proof-read and Edited before he has his Flunkies go on all the Talk shows, expressing "Disappointment over the loss of a chance to improve Relations with the U.S."

Daniel in Brookline said...

...on the other hand Mayor Bloomberg will finish out his term.

He will? Really???

Oh, you mean Bloomberg will finish out HIS OWN term. Darn, you got me all excited for a minute there.