Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Durable Goods"

I have the greatest readers in the world, I really do... The title of this post was a line from a recent post of mine where I commented about gun grabbers being mis-informed if they thought that they could ban "assault weapons" and just wait for the current inventory to age out. Given that there are literally millions of AR-15 pattern rifles alone in civilian hands, and that firearms are generally long-lived items, it may be many generations before the current crop finally wear out.

To illustrate this point, Stretch sent in a few of his older firearms:

Oldest firearm I have is a M-H dated 1877. Ammo for it was $2 @ round 8 years ago. Hate to think What it is now. Besides, never had it checked it out by a ‘smith to assess its safety.
Martini-Henry, in this case. First British firearm built for self-contained ammunition. Tamed a continent, that sort of thing... Plus - look at that bayonet!

Also have a Trapdoor Springfield, Model 1884. Also reluctant to fire it. Has carving on butt that indicates it was carried by New York Volunteer Infantry in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.
The oldest weapon I regularly fire is a Swedish M96 made in 1911. It performs as you’d expect a Swedish built Mauser to.
Trapdoor Springfields.  On the want list right next to a Sharps. You want to talk about a firestorm controversy? The Trapdoor vs. Sharps makes Glock vs. 1911 or AR vs. AK look like child's play.

Revolvers from the 1920 or 30s also get fired, albeit infrequently. Not too keen to fire H&R break tops often.
I've got one H&R breaktop revolver, in .22LR. It's a Sportsman, and it's a fine plinker as long as you keep the rear sight permanently glued to the right. I centered it once. Once.

Thanks for sharing, Stretch!

That is all.


ASM826 said...

People do shoot Trapdoor Springfields. Reduced loads and common sense. Here's a Dutch shooter that uses one in competition along with his pet load:

ASM826 said...

Even better, here's a lot of Trapdoor shooters and a wealth of collected info about the rifle, loads, and competitive shoots around the country:

Bubblehead Les. said...

My current oldest weapons are a 1903 dated Swedish Mauser and a 1912 dated Chilean Mauser converted to God's Own Caliber (New Testament) in 1961.

But realistically, aren't we using Hundred+ year old designs in a lot of our Firearms? Granted, they are being manufactured today out of stronger materials, but a Smith K-Frame was first seen in 1899, the 1911, Hunting Rifles based on 1898 Mausers, etc.

Even some of the "Tupperware" pistols use the same "JMB (PBUH!)" internal designs.

So I could never figure out why an 1893 dated Moisen-Nagant can be sent through the Mail, yet and 1899 dated Moisen-Nagant has to go through an FFL.

And of course, just how old is a "Handgonne?"

Stretch said...

ASM: Thanks for the Trapdoor info. My Spring Mission is now to put my Trapdoor back on the firing line.

Kevin said...

My three oldest firearms are:

1917 Enfield (1918)
1911 Colt (1917)
Colt Vest Pocket .25 (1922)

I HAD a 1896 Swedish Mauser (1917) but I sold it a while back.

I wouldn't hesitate to fire any of these, in fact the 1917 is a damned fine shooter, and promises to remain one for the foreseeable future.

Just as all three of my AR-15's do.

Angus McThag said...

Forgot the Snider, the actual first Brit gun built to take self contained cartridges.

My oldest is an 1891 made H&R "Automatic" revolver in .32 S&W Long. Grampa's gun he kept just in case someone robbed the gas station he owned.