Monday, March 25, 2013

Et Tu, Marlin?

Sent in by that prolific commenter anonymous was this recent sighting in WalMart in TN:

Oh, Marlin, really? I've been waiting to use this:

Yes, you earn the double facepalm for that...

That is all.


skidmark said...

Boy are they gonna feel bad when they read this:

Coumo called an "Oops" saying the implementation of the law has to be closed indefinately "because nobody manufactures a 7-round magazine".

And here I thought everybody was going to convert their Tupperware to 1911s.

stay safe.

Ritchie said...

Cletus has money to spend, too.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me this is just a faux pas since Marlin has always used seven round magazines for its rifles. It's been only the last few years they've put ten round mags on their semi-autos. When I was a kid (Jesus was still in three corner pants, too) we thought we had the world by the short hairs with a Stevens .22 and seven round mag.

As for the 'clip' nomenclature, we also called them 'clips' until Uncle Sam's Misguided Children taught us different. Even today, I use the words interchangeably when speaking with people who know about guns- we understand the difference but don't get our panties in a bunch over terminology.

Jeff in Oregon said...

Reading the tag, it gave me the impression that there are other Marlin guns that dont come with a free magazine, and you would have to pay extra for a part that should come with the gun...

Oddball said...

As one of the other commentators posted, Marlin has been making 7 round mags for years. I always have to be careful when by mags for my Marlin .22s since the 7 rounders and 10 rounders are typically the same price and stocked right next to each other (sometimes hung on the same hook).

Never understood why they make 'em, but they do.

Formynder said...

I think he was commenting on Marlin labeling it a clip instead of a magazine.

Jay G said...

Yes, to clarify, it is the calling of the feeding apparatus a "clip" when it is in fact a "magazine" that is the issue.

Yes, I'm being pedantic. I'm a gunblogger; it's what we do. :)

FTR, I have a Marlin 989 and it came with a 7-round magazine when I inherited it, well-used, in 1994. I also bought a 15-round magazine for it shortly before the Federal AWB...