Wednesday, March 6, 2013

First They Came For the Smokers...

...then they came for the jokers? Sent in on the BLNN is the latest insanity out of NYFC...

New York man hit with summonses for laughing too loud
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. – A New York man says he didn't know it was a crime to laugh.
Robert Schiavelli of Rockville Centre, on Long Island, was slapped with two summonses for "disturbing the peace."
The really interesting thing is that anyone living in New York could laugh about anything. No trans fats. No sodium. No large sodas. No standard capacity magazines. Every day it seems there's another group of items added to the "Thou Shalt Not" list in New York.

And, apparently, we can now add laughter...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

And Kali is doing the smoking ban, EXCEPT for dope... sigh

JFT said...

And, just saw this as a headline when I logged out of my hotmail.

Anonymous said...

JFT beat me too it! Argh.. Bloomin' Idiots on a roll

-Singing Detective

Skip said...

Jay, my very first post on my brand new blog is about your majesticarms post and my installation of same.
Hope you like it.

Ancient Woodsman said...

If you're a midnight toker, you'd better watch your back. Space cowboys will be next on the list after that, and of course "the list" will never end as 'they' try to save us from ourselves.

Bloomberg's sole puropose while visiting this planet appears to be to measure just how much insane nanny-ness the human mob will tolerate before he gets run out of the galazy, tarred & feathered. The way he's going & the way his loyal voters seem to approve, I'm guessing he hasn't even really started yet.