Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Heart... Breaking...

California couple abandons new $220,000 Lamborghini after crash
Police searched Tuesday for the owner of a luxury Italian sports car that crashed along a La Jolla roadside and was abandoned by its two occupants, reportedly only hours after it was bought for around a quarter- million dollars, Fox 5 San Diego reported.

Officers found the 2008 Lamborghini on the side of La Jolla Village Drive near La Jolla Scenic Drive North about 11:45 p.m. Monday, according to San Diego police.


(picture from link)

That breaks my heart right there. That someone could be so uncaring, so unfeeling, so heartless as to allow such bespoiling of a beautiful automobile just leaves me cold. I mean, I could understand a Porsche or a Mercedes, but a Lamborghini?Judging from the rear wheel and that unnatural-looking cant, I'd imagine that poor car attempted to take flight at some point, most likely after striking whatever in the front quarter.

Now, I would imagine that there were either frosty adult beverages or mind-altering substances involved, because, really, they left the damn paperwork in the car. You wreck a quarter-million dollar car and folks are going to notice - you wreck a quarter-million dollar car and then flee the scene, they're really going to notice. I hope these folks lawyered up but good, because I have a feeling the SD police are going to be thinking asset forfeiture...

And I'd agree, as long as they remand the car to my custody...

That is all.

Another dispatch from...
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Bubblehead Les. said...

Hope it's some Hollywood Uber-Liberal Movie Type that bought it.

Anonymous said...

It's an 08 Not new. So I'm guessing it was a gift to some teenager .

I've driven one of thoose and they are not easy to see out of or tell where the corners of the car are. No surprise that some under experienced kid or even adult wrecked it on the first day of ownership


Dave H said...

Heck, just sitting in one would be mind-altering enough to make me forget my own name.

This crash just proves that auto accidents are a serious problem. We need to get these high-capacity death machines off the street. No law-abiding citizen needs more than 4 cylinders. We need to (everybody say it with me now) DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN!

Mikael said...

Actually I'd not be surprised if the driver was a middle-aged man rather than a teen. Looks like the driver spun out, a common occurance for drivers that aren't used to the power in these sport cars, especially if they leave the anti-spin and traction control systems off to put it in "sport" mode.

Anonymous said...

Dave, then you must be with me to ban the eeeeeeevil assault SUVs. Especially the ones with the more dangerous trailer hitch.

Dave H said...

Anon: Not at all. I just think SUVs need a mandatory interlock device that shuts down the engine if it detects either cell phone emissions or airborne traces of mascara or other makeup products in the cabin.

notDilbert said...

Mikael: An 08 Mercielago did not come with "stability Control", just traction control and ABS.

Looks like they just understeered the turn and bounced off the guard rail at a fairly low speed.

Looking closer at the photo it's Front and rear suspension pieces, 2 wheels and tires, and body and paint....... assuming no frame damage maybe $25K worth of " that will buff right out".

.... and a new rateing on the insurance policy.

Mikael said...

notDilbert: my bad on it having those systems, so they didn't even have the choice of having those features on then. Still, extreme sport cars like that need training to drive, if I had the money to burn to buy one, I at least have enough sense that I'd get a weeks professional training at a race course for driving it. The performance on these cars far outstrip most driver's skills, even at low speeds, a hair too much added throttle at the wrong time and the rear wheels lose traction. It's more of an accelleration problem than a a top speed one.

Mikael said...

Example accident for first day sport car driver:

Anonymous said...

That's exactly why the the Porshe club does 3 day drivers Ed courses at " a race track near you". Our region opens registration to anyone in pretty much any car for $ 500 or so for the 3 days which includes trained certified instructors. We get Ferrairi drivers on a regular basis, but never Lamborghini drivers. They seem to be a different breed.
