So, anyone going shooting this weekend? Can you spare the ammo? I find myself limiting my shooting to .22LR and small quantities of .38 Special for my revolvers these days. I have decent stores of .22LR, and .38 Special was, until recently, still available. With the drought continuing on with apparently no end in sight, I can see more and more .22LR shooting in my future.
Anyone else going to the range in spite of dwindling supply?
That is all.
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Feel your pain Jay - nothing much available out here in Iowa. I finaly went down the path of casting/reloading. I was fortunate to find a bunch of large pistol primers - looks like my springfield will be getting a workout this summer.
As for the weekend, I have 13 folks coming for an NRA Basic Pistol Instructors course - and there is some qualification range time. Lot's of fun will be had by all!
I'll be shooting in my Bulls-Eye league, as I do every weekend, using my S&W 629 with .44 Specials. I actually shot that more right now than .22LR, as I donated 50% or my supply of .22LR to my local range so they wouldn't have to cancel training classes.
I am. But I stocked up a bit over normal levels in January. I got lots of .38 and .45.
I do feel anxious about the personal .22 supply. Only a few thousand of them. Oh, and only enough 5.56 to really test and zero and then have a standard load.
I don't think I'd attend a blogshoot with current levels and shoot the usual amount.
I'm good for two IDPA matches a month.
My friend and I each bought a Barnett RC 150 crossbow on the theory that the ammo is directly re-shootable (spell check doesn't think that's a word). They arrived yesterday so we may take them out for a go this weekend.
So far my local range has been so swamped with new members when I'm able to go, I can't get any shooting in edgewise. So my meager stash is safe for now.
We've got a sizeable ammo supplier in the area and I can usually get common pistol ammo there for about the same price as last Fall. But .22lr is pretty much impossible to find. I have enough for an Appleseed next month, but not much more. I'm going to have to break into my can of 7.62x54R if I want to shoot a rifle before then.
My chapter of The Well Armed Woman is going next week to do a "One-Box Workout" (from Student of the Gun). We're also fortunate that a range in the area has a simulator, and we can train in the simulator.
About 10 years ago, when the prices of metal started to skyrocket, I decided I would do some price protection and seriously stock up on ammo and components. I took advantage of deals from the CMP on .22, and otherwise bought some bullets/primers when I had a the spare coin.
Boy, am I sitting pretty now. 15K rounds of .22, enough stock for 9mm/.38/30-06 that I'll never have to buy ammo again in my lifetime (unless I buy a gun in a caliber I don't have).
The original thought was simply price protection. I wanted to shoot for pennies a round, not a buck apiece. But now there's the additional advantage that any taxes, restrictions just won't apply to me.
I'm not trying to gloat. I just made the right decision once, for a change (would that I could do the same with the stock market). If you're a handgunner, you have to reload to save money. Anyone else who shoots high volume should seriously think about it. It doesn't cost that much to get started (see Lee Precision), just time.
Yes, to the range tomorrow. Some .22, some .45ACP, I think.
Both Saturday and Sunday, 1600 NRA Regional Smallbore matches at my club.
Iron sights on Saturday, Any sights on Sunday. A total of 320 rounds for record plus at least 100 more as sighters.
Weekend will be spent breaking down the slide of a 1929 Woodsman (light strikes) so range trip will be Monday or Tuesday. Besides local ranges run a 1.5 to 2 hour wait on weekends. Weekdays it can drop to "just" 45 minutes ... but don't bet on it.
Aside from my usual 100 round monthly practice with my carry gun it's gonna me .22s for the duration.
Reloading press is now bolted to Workmate and .45 dies (acp and Colt) given a workout.
Either tomorrow or Sunday, but I NEED to get some trigger time... sigh...
Tomorrow is .22,.38spl, .357mag, 9mm, .45acp. Maybe a 100 each to not hurt the stash.
Sunday will be trap shooting, 4 rounds.
Monday will be cleaning all that iron...sigh.
I could go and shoot several different caliber because I reload.
I haven't been going because I've
lost interest in shooting indoors and all the outdoor ranges here are
butt deep in snow.
Next month, maybe.
I can't find a box of .22LR anywhere. So, now, I didn't go shooting this weekend. I'm not sure when I will.
This weekend we had a 4-kids-with-birthdays combined party at the farm. I didn't shoot anything, but the amount of dead clay pigeons, and shotgun hulls now awaiting reloads... well, we brought 'em out in 5-gallon buckets of 12 and 20ga, knowing they were gonna burn through 'em.
There was also a good run on the .22 and the .38, a bit o' .45 and .380 as there was a constant run of handgun and rifle instruction on the side, for kids and parents who'd never been around 'em before, or were looking for something different from the shotgun.
Gonna have a cleaning night soon, and a reloading weekend coming up. Good times, good times.
Spent the afternoon on the range with the state rep from Newtown, CT.
The ammo was well spent.
Absolutely. Scribbler and I went to the range and turned a buncha rounds into smoke and noise. 7.62x54R, .40S&W, .22, 12 Ga. Slugs, and whatever else we could find. I refuse to let the world's best gun salesman (BHO, Esq., POTUS) infringe on my right to burn up some powder... we had fun, but it was not like the old days. Knowing that it would cost a dollar plus per round to replace whatever we were expending DOES put a damper on things.
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