Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Helpful Hints...

*You are a crossing guard. Not a traffic cop. Learn the difference, and accept your limitations. The next time you wave a fucking Expedition directly into my path out of the side street with stop sign, I will file a complaint. There were no children (or adults) crossing, no school buses offloading, nothing. You apparently felt bad for Suzy Soccermom who had to wait more than five seconds to merge into traffic (but couldn't be bothered to cut her phone call short), so you go against the rules of the road to make me stop and let her out. Knock it off.

*Learn basic physics. A 3 ton truck can't stop on a dime. And when you're in a 1,500 pound Yaris, you're in no position to argue with me, either. Especially running the red light. Fortunately for your stupid ass, my truck is new and I didn't want to have to scrape Toyota poop out of the tire treads. Use your fucking brain for something other than dead brain cell storage...

*In that same vein, don't give me the finger because I refuse to let your impatient ass out into traffic. It's not my fault you're an inconsiderate fuck-knob who's already blocking a full lane of traffic. It is also not my fucking job to let you in. I've been waiting, too.

*If I were a resident of the town of [redacted], I would make it my life's mission to attend every town meeting ever scheduled to complain about the abysmal use of funds with regard to road maintenance. Seeing town crews rip up a BRAND NEW STRETCH OF ROAD, complete with the granite curbing and freshly-laid concrete sidewalks, a stretch that has been rebuilt TWICE BEFORE, would make me inquire as to an investigation into the town manager and their relationship with the local asphalt/concrete companies. Who's the town manager, Tony Soprano???

Ah. That feels better. As you were.


knitalot3 said...

OMG! Are you sure you don't live in my neighborhood?!?

Not to mention the crossing guards that jump right in front of you while the kids are still down the block, and then hold up the traffic for the other kids... walking slowly from halfway down the block.

Rude people driving while on cell phones suck!

The roads that they add ANOTHER layer of tar and rock chip shit to... Love the ditch you have to jump to get on and off the road.

And the abandoned road construction traffic diversions for days, weeks at a time.

Sigh.... It is the same there and here. There is no intelligent life.

Thanks. I feel a little better now. You always have the best rants.

BobG said...

Another one of those type of days, I take it?

Unknown said...

Dude. It took me about 2 days after moving into the state some years ago to figure out that running red lights is second only to bitching about the Yankees as the state's favorite past time.


Anonymous said...

I just wonder if you had hit the other car what would the police accident report look like?

"Accident caused by illegal control of intersection by crossing guard".

Mr Weebles said...

I've got a crossing guard on a street near me in my NH town who likes to wave at cars and yell for them to "slow down." That wouldn't be a problem but she did it to me each morning when I was 5 miles under the speed limit.

Finally, one morning I pulled over and asked her if she knew what the speed limit was since we weren't in a school zone. She didn't, so I asked her if she knew what speed I was going. Again, she didn't.

I told her if she tried to slow me down again I would file a report with the cops. She doesn't even look when I go by now.