Thursday, September 6, 2007



Sitting in the truck this morning at the bus stop, the kids ask me to put the radio on. What's playing? Metallica's "Creeping Death".

From the back seat, my daughter inquires, "Daddy, is this a head banging song?"

To which I reply in the affirmative. Which, naturally, leads to both kids banging their heads in time with the music.

So, to the soccer moms at the bus stop with their mouths agape in abject horror at the sight of two small children banging their heads to Metallica, all I can say is "lighten up".

I'm just worried what my kids are going to listen to that will shock me. After a steady diet of Metallica, Anthrax, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Danzig, etc. in my teens, I can't think of anything out there that would genuinely shock me to hear my children listening to.

[okay, the parents out there with teenaged kids can stop laughing hysterically...]


Anonymous said...

that's nothing. Just this morning, me and junior were giving it the white boy head bop to Hatebreed:

Of course, she's been doing that for a while.


Mark said...

My kids friends think my kids are nuts. They listen to everything I listen to, which includes Classical, Jazz, R&B, Classic Rock, Grunge, Metal, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Hip-hop, Rap, Country both old and new(Nothinglike Woodie Guthrie and Gene Autry), New Age, Christian Rock you name it I probably listen to it. So while thier frinds are listening to 50 cent, my kids are rocking out to AC-DC, Rush, Jethro Tull, Yes, Pure Praire League, Kansas, Then on to some Scott Joplin and Janis Joplin. I love corrupting my kids musical taste... :)

Anonymous said...

I will never forget the pride I felt when I learned that my daughters actually enjoyed Pink Floyd and Bob Dylan.

They in turn introduced me to Dave Matthews so everybody won.

Jay G said...

One of the very cutest things my kids have done, music-wise was to sit in the twin rockers on the upstairs foyer hallway, rocking quietly and singing along with "If I Had A Million Dollars" by the Bare Naked Ladies...

Oh, and unc? My daughter's been walking around singing "I Wanna Be Sedated" by The Ramones...


I've been trying to get the kids into Run DMC as their exposure to rap. Wagner they know because I play "Ride of the Valkyries" frequently. Even C&W - "How Do You Like Me Now" by Toby Keith is one of my all-time favorite songs...

I've been accused of having eclectic tastes m'self... ;)

Ride Fast said...

No, Jay I can't stop laughing hysterically at what your going to be horrified at. Bwaaahaaa!

Ross said...

Jay... pray that your kids don't start listening to *shudder* rap.