Friday, December 28, 2007

Friday Gun Pr0n #39

Given recent events in Pakistan, today's gun picture is a model used in another famous assassination:

This is a Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5mm carbine, the same model used in the assassination of JFK (leaving aside various and sundry conspiracy theories...) It's an honest-to-goodness CLIP fed rifle, using an en bloc six round clip that drops out the bottom of the mag wel (in front of the trigger) when the last round is loaded.

(And yes, that's an attached spike bayonet on the front, which magically transforms a bolt-action hunting rifle into an eeevil assault rifle according to those suffering from bouts of PSH...)

It is, as my grandfather joked, "Italian battle rifle. Only dropped once." (He loved that joke, and considering that he came from Italy, and his father served in the Italian army, I figured it's okay...)

That is all.


the pistolero said...

If what I've read about that rifle was right, that clip only held six rounds. And you know how the Bradys talk about teh eeevils of "high capacity." I said recently on my own blog that I'd love to ask someone who was in Dealey Plaza that day how much it mattered that Lee Harvey Oswald only had six rounds at one time to work with.

Jay G said...

My impression from reading the brain drippings of the Brady Bunch/"Million" Moms/VPC/HCI/etc. is that the simple act of existing is enough to get a gun classified as an eeeevil assault rifle...

Hence, if it has a bayonet? Assault rifle.

If it has a capacity of >5/10/15/20? Assault rifle.

Caliber too large (i.e. 50 cal)? Assault rifle.

Caliber too small (i.e. PS90)? Assault weapon.

The only characteristic they have in common is being firearms.

And hell, WWI was started with a .32 ACP...