Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Once More Into The Breech...

Just in case anyone's interested, I'm planning on live-blogging the second McCain/Obama debate tonight at 9:00 PM EST.

After watching the Palin/Biden debate last week, and then incredulously watching the media declare Biden the winner by more than 2 to 1, it's a moral imperative that the McCain/Obama debate be documented for posterity.

Given that this is a "town hall" style format, favored by McCain, and will play to Obama's weakness of not being able to rely on a teleprompter, I'm expecting McCain to do well. Of course, with the media as far in Obama's camp as they've been, I'm assuming this means they'll only declare Obama the winner by a margin of 10%...

See you tonight!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

McCain should do well.

I would love to follow along with you but my home computer sucks ass goshdarnit.

Would I if I could?

You betcha! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Laptop, phone, TV on Fox, and quarts of nerve-calming chocolate milk will be standing by at 9pm.

(Is it OK for a grown man to admit drinking chocolate milk? Ha - that's nothing, because if McCain does badly tonight, I may just need Depends...)

Weer'd Beard said...

God I hope he gets in a good sputter-spell when somebody tosses him a curve-ball, and it goes up on youtube in hours!


Jay G said...


I'll take that as a hint...

Incoming in 3..2...