Thursday, January 1, 2009

For Marko...

I'll see his Castle Frostbite, and raise him Hypothermia Manor:

Yes, that's the scene after an hour and a half of shoveling. Why no snowblower, you ask? Well, it's light, fluffy snow. In some spots it had drifted over two feet; in others it was less than 2". Using a 25 HP snowthrower would have resulted in me turning into a JayGsicle - notice the flag flying briskly - winds are gusting at like 30 MPH. As it was, I wound up more or less impersonating Nanook of the North:

Surely it couldn't be that bad, you say. Surely Jay's exaggerating the temperature, right?

Ah. Nothing like starting the new year with a big ol' heaping helping of Global warming...

That is all.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Man UP Nancy! You can clear the way with a broom, wearing flip flops and a bathrobe.

AnarchAngel said...

81 degrees here, bright and sunny with a light breeze.

MedicMatthew said...

I'm with NJT-Bolt. You call yourself a New Englander?!? Now Mistuh, let me tell you, if that snow had a-landed up heyuh we wouldda been out in shohts & flip-flops sweepin' off the dooryahd. Tain't no need ta be gittin' all dressed up like that for a bit o' flurries. Just not necessary. Bit o' ovuhkill if'n ya ask me.

Friggin flatlanduhs.....

Heh, just givin ya hell buddy, it was about 4 below when I looked at the thermometer before leaving work, I've no idea what the wind chill was but it was f*ckin cold!

Jay G said...

Phhhbbbtttt to all of you.

It was damn cold. And windy. And Scott Farkus beat me up and took my lunch money...
