Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Specter says he intends to switch to Democratic party
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Veteran Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter told colleagues Tuesday he intends to switch from the Republican to the Democratic party.

A Specter party switch would give Democrats a filibuster-proof Senate majority of 60 seats if Al Franken holds his current lead in the disputed Minnesota Senate race.

The only question is, what took him so long?

Remember, this is the person that George "Extreme Right Wing" Bush took great pains to support during his re-election campaign in 2004... And don't let that "filibuster-proof majority" keep you awake at night or anything. I would, however, expect sales of Rolaids and Ambien to skyrocket...

That is all.


Rustmeister said...

More like sales of Jack Daniel's and Jim Beam.

RW said...

He saw the writing on the wall (it said "Tommey is going to beat you, but good") & went into the open arms of the Dems.

They're always open to anything or any one. ANY one/thing, as long as it meets their needs.

wolfwalker said...

I'm waiting for the report that sales of match-grade .30'06 ammunition have skyrocketed...