Friday, October 23, 2009

Taste the Schadenfreude...

Bay State liberals shun Barack Obama’s visit
President Obama blows into the bluest state today facing a cold shoulder from once true-blue admirers, as gay rights activists, anti-war protesters and vexed environmentalists vow to picket a fund-raiser he’s headlining for Gov. Deval Patrick - a marquee event that hasn’t even sold out.

As of last night, liberals who once braved frigid temperatures to behold Obama were shunning tickets to the fund-raiser at the posh Westin Copley Place featuring the president, sources told the Herald. And despite campaign denials, Patrick operatives reportedly were pushing the ducats - between $500 and $6,000 - by e-mail up to the last minute.

When you can't sell out a fundraiser in MA, there's something seriously wrong... What I really like is that their apparent beef with 0bama is that he's not delivering on his lofty campaign promises. I can understand their consternation, really, because with 0bama's lengthy record in politics prior to winning the presidency he'd been a politician you could count on to deliver on his promises...

And if you believe that, I've got some prime waterfront property in Arizona for sale...

That is all.


wolfwalker said...

As of last night, liberals who once braved frigid temperatures to behold Obama were shunning tickets to the fund-raiser at the posh Westin Copley Place featuring the president, sources told the Herald.


And if you believe that, I've got some prime waterfront property in Arizona for sale...

And I'll match it with some really prime Florida land, just a few miles east of Miami Beach.

skipelec said...

Libs protested his ass in Frisco, of all places. The honeymoon is over.

Anonymous said...

That article was over in three words.

TOTWTYTR said...

It doesn't portent well for Patrick or Obama. There's still a year to the mid terms and Governor's race, but if I were them, I'd be worried.