Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't Ask, Don't Tell?

T-bolt comments about the wisdom of displaying one's firearms online.

As y'all might guess from the Friday Gun Pr0n pictures, I'm not as concerned. When it comes to the theoretical confiscation situation, I'm pretty well screwed - MA has mandatory registration of all firearms transactions, so as a law-abiding gun owner who complies with the law no matter how asinine and unConstitutional I think it may be, the state knows what I have anyways. As far as a theft scenario goes, I'll defer once again to the mandatory "safe storage" laws in MA - all of my guns are locked up in various safes as per state law.

Plus there's a retired MA State cop who qualifies yearly as "Expert Marksman" - with either hand - living next door (Dad. Obviously the shooting talent skipped a generation...) There's also a certain benefit of living in a decidedly anti-gun state - with only 6% of the MA population having gun permits (and therefore owning guns), there's just not a lot of houses to break into where you're likely to find guns. I mean, as Mayor Menino tells us, 99.999% of criminals get their firearms from gun shows and lax dealers outside of MA anyways...

Besides, maybe these are all someone else's guns I'm posting...

That is all.


Bruce said...

Not to mention that tragic boating accident.

libertyman said...

If the police want to tear your house apart looking for your little Mossberg shown on your blog, give me a call.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

when did MA start requiring registration? was that before your grandpa started accepting firearms to settle a tab at the diner?

Old NFO said...

I want my gun back... :-)