Thursday, December 31, 2009


So tonight we lose an I... At the stroke of midnight, we lose the hellacious year that was 2009 to the sands of time and usher in a new decade (and yes, purists, I know that technically the "new" decade starts on Jan. 1 2011. Bet y'all were a pill and a half at the turn of the millenium, too). A new year stretches before us, a veritable blank canvas upon which to paint the picture of our year.

Good, bad, indifferent; 2010 will be, for the most part, what we make of it. Politically, we'll start the new year with a special election here in MA where the Democrats will inevitably win by a large margin; we'll hope that victory will be one of a very few they celebrate this year. Not because I want to see the Republicans win, mind you - that's the downside - but because it is my fervent hope that 2010 is the year we VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT. All of them. Every last politician with "incumbent" next to his or her name should be shown the door in 2010.

And no matter what else happens, 2009 will forever be remembered as the year that Ted Kennedy was no longer my Senator...

That is all.


Heath J said...

A year we're rid of ANY Kennedy and Jacko the wacko can't be all bad..

Anonymous said...

To give credit where credit is due, Teddy-boy has not had a drink in more than 90 days now.

A new personal best!!!

Ritchie said...

Technically, the decade does end tonight, because decades are counted differently from centuries. Not that I really care, but in this case good riddance comes just in time. All the best to you and yours in the great new whatever!