Thursday, December 31, 2009

You're Kidding Me...

White House forcefully responds to Cheney

(CNN) - The White House is responding forcefully to former Vice President Dick Cheney's comments Wednesday that are sharply critical of President Obama's response to the botched terror attack on Christmas Day.

"It is telling that Vice President Cheney and others seem to be more focused on criticizing the Administration than condemning the attackers," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer wrote on the White House's official blog. "Unfortunately too many are engaged in the typical Washington game of pointing fingers and making political hay, instead of working together to find solutions to make our country safer."

[Eyes widen]

That, right there, is some Grade A, full-on BALLS, people. The administration that has done nothing for the past year but blame its predecessor for every ill facing the nation from the economy to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the inability to convert lead to gold is complaining about criticism. If irony were dynamite, all of DC would be leveled right now. For the 0bama administration to talk about someone criticizing them is just beyond-the-pale projection.

Pointing fingers??? You mean like claiming that it was Bush administration procedures that failed in the Underoo Bomber fiasco? Like ignoring the past year you've been in power? You've spent the past year touring the world, apologizing for America, bowing deeply to every tinpot dictator in a funny hat who would have you; you've talked about closing Guatanamo Bay and bringing the worst of the worst terrorists to American soil; in short, you have done everything humanly possible to give off the impression that you do not view terrorism as a pressing issue.

And when proven wrong, when some bomb-happy jihadi shows up over a major American city with semtex in his skivvies and a father who contacted the damned American embassy about it, your first response was to blame the guy in office before you. And suddenly THEY'RE the ones playing "business as usual"? Look in the mirror, sunshine. Your side spent the past eight years bashing the Bush administration for everything from "Mission Accomplished" to plastic turkeys to inventing memos out of thin air. Don't be all butt-hurt when folks start calling you on your many failings.

Hubris, thy name is the 0bama administration.

That is all.


Borepatch said...

So hollow, if you tapped them they'd "ping".

Evyl Robot said...

Nice rant, Jay! I couldn't agree more. What gets me is this: Why is everyone focused so much on the failure instead of the success? The success in the situation came from a passenger neutralizing the threat. My expansion on that (the final, natural defense) would be to give the good guys on the plane the clear advantage, i. e. ARM THEM!!! There are many of us who have a little card proving that we're trained and tested, and have had multiple background checks to determine that we are indeed the good guys. And yet, the moment I step through an airport terminal or over the threshold of a public school, my sensibilities leave me and I become an unstable lunatic as far as the system is concerned. I can't be the only one that thinks this is F-ed up.