Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Potential Trouble?

Sen. Dodd to retire, sources tell CNN
(CNN) -- Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Connecticut, plans to announce his retirement Wednesday, two sources close to the lawmaker told CNN. He plans to announce the decision at a news conference, one of the sources said.

Dodd, 65, had been winning congressional elections in his state since 1974, but he's recently been considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats seeking re-election in 2010.

This is now the second Democratic senator to decline to seek re-election, with North Dakota's Byron Dorgan being the first to declare he won't run for re-election. Toss in CO's governor Ritter's decision not to run as well, and it starts to look like things might not be as rosy as they'd like at DNC headquarters come November. Add in that, with only two weeks left in the MA special election for Ted Kennedy's seat, Scott Brown (GO SCOTT GO) is within single digits of Martha "We Discourage Self-Help" Coakley, and it looks like the Donks might have a rocky year ahead of them.

As I've said previously, the only downside to the Democrats losing is that it means the Republicans have to win...

With 0bama's approval rating plummeting as fast as gas prices are climbing, the economy still uncertain despite the media's best efforts to prop it up, and terrorism continuing to be more than just a simple law enforcement issue, is it possible that folks are starting to wake up and realize just how dangerous single-party control is? Or are we simply seeing a marshalling of the troops in advance of November, a message sent to the party faithful to get their shit in one sock (as the expression goes) now rather than six months from now when it might be too late to matter? The elections are ten months away - that's still a political lifetime given the average American's attention span - there's still time for the Stupid Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

But for now, I'll enjoy seeing the second slice of bread in the "waitress sandwich" leave the Senate.

That is all.


Alan said...

Too bad he gets to retire instead of going to jail where he belongs. (or worse)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jay, but this one wasn't democrat backlash. This was personal. CT was tired of Dodd. This is actually GOOD news for Barry and the Dems. They now get to run A.G. Blumenthal for Dodd's seat. Tricky Dicky has something like a 75%+ approval rating in the state, unless the republican's know of a few hidden skeletons on Blumenthal's closet (and there is some talk of that), he's a shoe-in to win against just about any opponent. I suspect Blumenthal would beat Barry himself in a state election.