Thursday, February 4, 2010

{Sputter} {Sputter}

Can't see clearly... trouble focusing... rage building...

Two-inch LEGO gun gets 4th-grader in trouble
Patrick Timoney, a 9-year-old student at PS 52 in Staten Island, N.Y., was in the school cafeteria Tuesday playing with LEGOs when he was taken to the principal’s office and threatened with suspension. One of his toys was a LEGO policeman that holds a 2-inch plastic gun. The school has a no-tolerance policy when it comes to toy guns.

“[The gun] was so little,” the boy told WNBC. “I wouldn’t really think that the principal would cause a lot of commotion just for a little gun.”


This poor kid got hauled into the principal's office over a Lego accessory. Let that sink in for a second. If that were my school district, I'd be asking some hard-hitting questions about absenteeism, standardized testing scores, and graduation rates - because if the principal has time to confiscate 2" plastic toys and threaten suspensions, that school had DAMN well better be running at ABSOLUTE peak efficiency.

Zero tolerance = zero brain, plain and simple.

That is all.

Thanks to Salamander in Gunblogger Conspiracy for this daily slice of rage...


Mulligan said...

'PS 52 in Staten Island, N.Y'

PS = programming stupidity

Borepatch said...

That kid sure got an education that day.

What do you think this generation is learning about how smart their government is? How much do you think they'll trust the government when they're voting age?

Reputo said...

My kids are allowed to play with toy guns at school whenever they want. Sometimes the teacher even brings a gun for the lesson of the day. Field trips have included going to the shooting range.

Of course, I home school, so the teacher (my wife) is sleeping with the principal (me).

Mopar said...

Back when I lived in NJ there was a case where 4 kindergarteners were suspended from school for playing cops and robbers. The crime they commited was pointing their fingers like guns. One boy said "I have a BAZZOOKA (his finger) and I'm going to shoot you!" and a teacher took that as threatening. link

Wally said...

We just had an incident here where a kid had a list of people that bullied him and their imaginary fate. Kid got in hella hot water for statements such as:
Johnnie - falling piano
Sally - lightning strike

OTOH, my GF is a teacher. The system is set up for the least common denomonator. Not just students, administrators too.

TOTWTYTR said...

It's because the liberals are trying to stamp the last vestiges of "The Gun Culture" out of our society. It's aversion therapy, only without the electrical shock.

OTOH, I propose that we should start to renormalize gun possession and use by teaching our kids (and soon my grand son) that guns are useful tools and while should be handled carefully, should not be feared.

We should never give in.

And Wally is right. Mrs. TOTWTYTR is a teacher too and stupidity is the norm in administrators. That and mistaking mediocrity for excellence.

n3439d said...

But, the policeman brought the weapon and at no time was it out his control!

bluesun said...

I wish that gun training of some sort (hunter safety or whatever) was mandatory in public school. Then I wouldn't have such a learning curve to overcome now that I'm older. I'm working on it, but that head start would've been nice.

Not to mention that training is the best way to overcome accidents...

WW Paul said...

The only harm inflicted in this instance was on the kid by the school. I'd like to hear this principal's rationale, but I'm sure it would just piss me off.

Ted said...

Long string of insults concerning pricipals intelligence, sexual prowess, family, and suitability for being considered a worthwile human being. Public school is a joke and nothing more than propaganda anymore.

Jim said...


My emails to you are bouncing.

Kindly drop me a note?



Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

WV = crablunp

My mood at the moment.

Unknown said...

Easily defeated and over-turned.

The family's lawyer need only point to the fact that the LEGO firearm was held by a LEGO police officer. Thus not a violation of policy.

Fight morons with moronic reasoning.