Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eating the Elephant...

So, I leave for the NRA convention in Charlotte, NC in two days. It's starting to dawn on me just what I need to do in the next 60 hours - I need to pack up my stuff, check on the hotel and rental car, double check all my stuff, finalize plans with the jokers riding down with me, triple check all my stuff, and worry about not making too big of an idiot of myself in front of all the cool kids. Breda likened it to the "gunnie prom", which means I'll break out in really bad acne and wind up hanging out with my friends while my date quietly hates me...

I'm going down as a journalist, which both amazes and amuses me. I'm hoping to get a chance to talk to some folks in the industry, which for me is pretty much a first aside from e-mails to the good folks at LaserLyte and LaserMax and my trip to the Smith & Wesson factory. I'm hoping to talk to a handful of gun company reps - pimp for my MA gunnies - and see what's new and exciting coming down the pike. Expect much rage as I encounter shiny gun after shiny gun I can't own, but that's fodder for another time...

I'm also hoping to meet up with a good number of folks on my blogroll. Some are rock stars, like the aforementioned World's Most Dangerous Librarian or SayUncle. Others are people I've come to know pretty well, either through VC, Gunblogger Conspiracy, or just from reading every day. I'm even going to meet my one and only blogdaughter! I'm bringing a notepad and my iTouch just in the vain hopes of getting down the people I meet - and perhaps even take some notes.

There's also beer. Did I mention beer? This is the first time I'm going to be away from my children since, well, they were born. We went away for an overnight once when BabyGirl G. was an infant, but that was a "left the house at 5 PM, stayed overnight, and home by 9AM" deal. Mrs. G. went out to CA to visit with her cousin about 4 years ago, so she's had some time away; this time it's my turn. I'm starting off with a road trip with my best friend (hopefully) and Weer'd Beard - excellent company indeed - and winding up at what is essentially gunnie Mecca...

I'm hoping to provide spot-coverage of the convention while I'm down there - I'm assuming that there will be wifi in the convention center, so I'll have the Eee and the iTouch with me at pretty much all times. I'll also have my camera and a dedicated card for each day, so I'm planning on taking a LOT of pictures. I figure I ought to be able to get a couple month's worth of gun pr0n out of this alone... *g* Anybody have any pressing questions they'd like answered while I'm down there? I know Stingray is hoping I'll stop by the HS Precision booth while I'm there; it's going to totally depend on whether I can get bail money or not.

I'm hoping to get some hands-on time with the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 (and beg the reps to hasten the process of getting it MA approved - which I hear they are, BTW). I see from the exhibitor list that both LaserLyte and LaserMax have booths at the convention - I'd love to meet the folks I've had the pleasure of chatting with via e-mail in the flesh. There's all kinds of companies that make various and sundry pieces parts, scopes, sights, stocks, and maybe even bayonets - it's going to be tough not hyperventilating at the Ka-Bar booth, frex...

In any case, I've got my work cut out for me over the next few days, that's for sure...

That is all.


Home on the Range said...

I've no desire to be a rock star, and will quietly watch from the sidelines.

Hope you have a great time.

wolfwalker said...

I'll also have my camera and a dedicated card for each day, so I'm planning on taking a LOT of pictures.

Check your Eee carefully. It may have a cardreader built in -- many modern laptops and netbooks do. If it doesn't, and if you have time, run to the nearest Staples and get a cheap USB cardreader. It will let you transfer pictures to your Eee any time, and you'll worry less about card space. And a spare cardreader is something that everyone should have.

Jay G said...


You're a rock star to *me*... Sorry to hear you're sitting this one out.


Thanks for the advice - that's a great tip - fortunately I've already tested the Eee with the Disney trips so I know it's compatible.

ASM826 said...

You must have gone to the same prom I did. Hope you have a way better time than that.

Weer'd Beard said...

Jay we should touch base tonight sometime just to make sure all our logistics are squared away and coordinated.

At the least I'll send you an email, but maybe we can skype or use that old-fangled telephonic thingy.

Jay G said...


That's funny; I was just thinking that myself. Coordinate times and such. You know the # - although Skype is an interesting alternative, as well.


There *WILL* be a Vicious Circle from the convention, fear not...

Mopar said...

Wish I was joining ya. I made the decision to instead spend the money building a NM AR. Besides, as much fun as hanging with you and Weer'd (and beer) is; I'd feel guilty about going when my best friend/shootin' buddy/wife can't get off from work. Hopefully we'll BOTH be in PA next year.

Mike W. said...

Where are we supposed to register for our press/media credentials?

As wolf said, your Eee should have a card reader. My 1000HE does.

See ya down there sometime early Friday.

RW said...

Sadly, I won't be able to finally meet you, Jay. Found out that my family has a firm commitment (which I agreed to two months ago & forgot about) to help out w/special needs kids @ an outing w/my church on the 15th. '

One of these days, buddy, one of these days.....

Jay G said...


That's twice I've been down your way.

You realize what this means, right?

Next time you have to come to MA...


Wally said...

Regardless of what happens at the HS Recision booth, you just let me know where to wire the bail money.
Extra credit if you approach them with a "no shoot" target of mother and baby asking for Horiuchi's autograph.

RW said...

Me & you sitting behind the green monster, throwing back a few & watching Lester mow down some Yanks & Ellsbury slide into second.....in the future.

chris said...

I'll see you Saturday night at the pub. I'll email you with my cell # in case you need it tonight when I get home.

TOTWTYTR said...

I am so jealous. I had this weekend booked for vacation so I could go to the Dayton Hamvention. My traveling partner, after coming up with the idea in the first place, couldn't get his permission slip signed.

Unfortunately by the time I realized the NRA convention was the same week, all the time was booked up.

Oh, well, maybe next year.

And Brigid, you are so a rock star! ;)

Anonymous said...

Me, all I want is pictures. Lots and lots of pictures - some of us have to live vicariously, you know :).

If you ever make it to E.TN (Dollywood is out here), let me know :).