Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Look What I Got...

...although I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with it quite yet...

Resistance is Futile

Yes. I have an iPhone. No, I haven't drank the Kool-Aid. If you look closely, you'll see it's a 2G, 8 GB iPhone - one of the very first to go on sale here in the Northeast, actually. It was a kind "karma" offering from poster "SullyMass" over at the NortheastShooters forum - he had offered this up to paid members of the NES community, and I drew the lucky number. So now I have an iPhone in addition to my iTouch...

I'm still trying to decide what to do with it. It's having trouble receiving wifi signals, even at home where I know the signal is strong; I'd like to get that resolved before going any further. There's talk about this "jailbreaking", where an activated card from a donor phone is put into the iPhone to bring it online; as far as I can tell this can be accomplished somewhat easily, although for a noob to Apple products I have a sharper learning curve than a true Apple fanboi...

So... What should I do with my new (to me) tech toy?

That is all.


ZerCool said...

Submit it to send Alan the link the video, and wait for the wailing and gnashing of teeth. :-)

Alternatively, a jailbreak attempt if you've already got AT&T service, or just keep it handy as a backup to the Touch.

Or ebay it for the ammo/gun fund. :)

Andrew Poirier said...

Sell it.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...


Mike W. said...

Ah, so you've come to the darkside.

Good job Jay!

Lissa said...

Love it and stroke it and call it George.

Jay G said...

Heh. I'm not going to sell something I won as a karma, sheesh!

(Besides, Wal-Mart is selling the 3G phones for under $100. It wouldn't be worth it).

The thing is, I don't have AT&T (I'm on Verizon), so I'd have to pick up one of those Go-phones or something.

Granted, I might go ahead and do that, just because jailbreaking the iPhone and jury-rigging something appeals to the dark side... ;)

Mulligan said...
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Mulligan said...


I had several of those and none of them worked worth a damn. Apple finally upgraded me to the 3G cuz they couldn't get me one that didn't have something wrong with it.

Alan said...

I'm not a fanboy!

I only have an iMac, MBP, Apple TV, iPhone and iPad...


Never mind.

ASM826 said...

There's only one answer to your question.

Download the Surefire Shot timer application and use the phone as a clubtimer for pistol shooting. It will do strings, individual splits, buzzer to first shot time, etc.

ExurbanKevin said...

+1 on the Surefire Timer. Also, the camera is good for documenting stages, and I keep practice routines as Notes.

Actually, the camera is becoming my favourite to use on a day-to-day basis. Apps like Tilt/Shift and Hipstamatic make it easy to shoot, process and upload photos from one device.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Actually, Kevin has the best idea I've seen so far. All those features and functions are useful, and since you didn't pay for it, if something happens (it gets dropped, etc.) you're not actually out any money. As a bonus, it should be able to make 911 calls in an emergency even if you don't have service with anyone.

Make it your "range computer!"

John said...

Attach it to your rifle:

Ross said...

Bayonet charge?

JP said...

Use it as a target.